Italy Africa Greece in Work

Why not Italy abd Greece? Lots of action to be had there.. The more theatres the better.

I thank all of the comments made.
I still do work with my idea.
The time is not impossible, if one believes in one thing is well achieve it.
I ask only help on information about greece.

In Il-2 I love scaled maps. It alowds a lot of creativity with camapigns.

any info about Greece (WW2) would be much appreciated !!!

here is what i found ... eteMap.jpg

Some usefull stuff from wiki including a map of the invasion of greece map and one of axis occupation zones. The Dodecanese were owned by the Italians since before the war.

Also a satellite image of Greece to help you with the textures and geological aspects.

Finally some stuff from the Greek air force website, it's in Greek but I guess the pictures may be of use. The portrait photo is of Lieutenant Mitralexis that rammed an Italian Cant Z 1007 bis in his Pzl p. 24, crash landed, and proceeded to arrest the surviving members of the crew himself!

I think it's a good idea to make this 1/4 scale map, as one has greater flexibility, and obviously no one enjoys flying for hours in straight lines over the sea.
That said, there's nothing wrong with 1/1 maps.
But my point is I see the logic in this operation.

Very nice map concept. 8) Luckily the area was not densely populated and most bordering on water also means the number of objects clustered in one area will be low. Best of luck with your endeavor!

Hi all,

Started work on a Greek campaign but got to much to do with domestic stuff to finish, here are some sites I found about air war over Greece 1940-41. Hope there of something of use here. ... _styx.html ... ny-ww2.htm ... hters.html ... hters.html ... kilkis.htm ... ators.html ... ndiale.htm ... _styx.html

yours stu :lol:

I think that with all of us trying to get our CPUs to another level this map would only test the limits. I feel that this game could handle one giant map if given the chance I think that we all have been sold short on the games abilities. Anyway by the time you finish the map I will as well as many other will have made another jump in computer power so this map wont be hard to run at all bring it on mate.
Plus we still will be waiting for Bob.


Blacknight Wrote:I think that with all of us trying to get our CPUs to another level this map would only test the limits. I feel that this game could handle one giant map if given the chance I think that we all have been sold short on the games abilities. Anyway by the time you finish the map I will as well as many other will have made another jump in computer power so this map wont be hard to run at all bring it on mate.
Plus we still will be waiting for Bob.


100% agree .... Big Grin


Yep.. Me too.

Testing playability when he furnished countries and cities at the time is good.
You must consider that the problem of loading dell'actors. Static relates to the area of flight and if it is not loaded much problems there are.
Proven with loading 7 from 4 air squadrons and the problem there is no lag.
The area Africa to date is only 100kb of actors.static.
We will see the completion as increase.

Quote:Plus we still will be waiting for Bob.

Which BoB, sorry, couldn't resist Wink


I've stopped waiting for BoB.. There is so much going on here that I don't really care.
When and if it comes doesn't really seem important anymore!..

Na , I dont give a crap either , im having so much fun with all these mods ,il2's never been so good
, every day there is somthing new to play with :lol: im well apy :lol:

There is still something to wait:
Whining about porked FM.s in BOB SOW
who gets panned from forums....
teh d-47 won teh war
when they make Korean war
USA won tes war. period.
graphical aerodynamical drawnings about certain computer games aerodynamics ( ME 109 ) compared to another
FSX sucks
Finland! where the hell is Finland. Is it near Boston
AND Finally Modded BOB SOW!!!! in 2012...

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