High resolution markings and numbers?

oooo more goodies, ta vpmedia! do these come with a readme or is there a particular method to install?

vpmedia Wrote:I'm perfectly satisfied with IL-2 Mat Manager, I made my own custom markings too:


Arrow vp_MatManagerMarkings.zip

Thanks...I'll take a look at yours. I was just thinking that the ultimate QMB mod would be select a map and then aircraft for that map, and by default you get skins and insignia for those aircraft which would be appropriate for the period when air battles took place over that map. It would not replace the customization options of Mat Manager, rather it would, in keeping with the spirit of QMB represent the minimum number of button pushes to get you into the air over a map of your choosing with historically accurate skins and insignia

Lo0n Wrote:oooo more goodies, ta vpmedia! do these come with a readme or is there a particular method to install?

It comes with the readme. In fact, you need to do that or MatManager wont work.


OK, I installed the Mat Manager from mission4todayand it seemed to install correctly. No errors on copying the files into the IL2 directory. But it still does not seem to be working. I'm getting the default mat insignia still --- nothing weathered. I have selected clear cache both on the Mat Manager and within the conf.ini file but still not working. Guess I'll have to pick through the readme to see if there is some other trick to it.

Thanks for the link to mission4today as that version does seem to install correctly unlike others at Ace's site and elsewhere.


The checkbox "delete cache subfolders on exit" is UNCHECKED in my Mat Manager, but the conf.ini line is present. Theres an attached screenshot of my mat manager in the custom markings pack.
Another thing we can try is an earlier version, v.2.20 which has little difference with 2.32 - if no success I'll upload it to filefront and we should try that.

vpmedia Wrote:The checkbox "delete cache subfolders on exit" is UNCHECKED in my Mat Manager, but the conf.ini line is present. Theres an attached screenshot of my mat manager in the custom markings pack.
Another thing we can try is an earlier version, v.2.20 which has little difference with 2.32 - if no success I'll upload it to filefront and we should try that.

Success! I had the box unchecked. So that was not the problem. I reset the clearcache to 0 which I presume means "yes" and launched the game from the Mat Manager and it worked. Before I had exited the Mat Manager and on occasion watched it copy files and once it had finished I launched the game. Maybe launching the game from Mat Manager is required and that is where I went wrong.

Thanks for the help!


It took me half an hour to install it. How long does it take for you to install?

jermin Wrote:It took me half an hour to install it. How long does it take for you to install?

I did not time it but yes it takes a long time as you see it unwind and copy all those files into the IL2 directory

Glad you got it working, SB...
IL2 without MAT manager is like icecream without chocolate sauce... Big Grin

Nice program, indeed.

I would like to see the propper Three letter code for the P-51 Mustang. The ones that are default
on the P-51c would be good.

Anyone noticed a water rendering glitch after using new mats? Here is an example:

[Image: grab0003es5.jpg]

I have tried to uninstall the manager, but I still get the new markings in game. How can I restore the original ones?

Check if you havent enabled S3TC compression by mistake.

[Image: sig2.gif]

Problem solved. It was the Catalyst AI. I changed it from Advanced to Low and everything is back to normal. Smile

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