The random tree mistery

Thanks Neil! It works adding the .tree.tga!!! I'm so happy Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Neil Lowe Wrote:
Quote:So in detail: I took the texture "lowland_1.tga" and placed it in "files/maps/Tex_/land/summer". Renamed it fields_lowland_1.tga. Added to filelist "/maps/Tex_/land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga".
Added to load ini: lowland0= land/summer/fields_lowland_1.tga. But I get error when trying to open the map.
I don't use the new wrapper yet.

You need a texture called "fields_lowland_1.tree.tga" in your files\maps\_Tex\land\summer folder. Also an entry in your filelist.txt for it. No need for a Filelist.txt entry for the base tex if it's an original game tex.

There is no "Tex_" folder in the games folder structure that I can see. Although some of the combinations have the texture name before the _fields part of the filename. eg. texname_fields.tree.tga (load.ini entry: texname_fields.tga)

Cheers, Neil Smile

I'm very excited about this since now we're able to have dense trees areas on selected spots, near airfields, here and there on the plains (on map_T here and there small cumps of pixels of the corresponding texture), and perhaps even in the villages and towns(this is done by the game automatically if you set forest=2 I think in conf.ini but you lose the treeline object with this option). This would be most useful for european maps because of the prezence of the fir among the random trees. If you have too big regions filled with this, I think it get's boring...

One little note: when I converted (renamed)
lowland_1.tga to fields_lowland_1.tga I also converted lowland_1.BumpH to fields_lowland_1.bumpH. If I didn't do that then the "new" field texture looks very different in game (in this case much darker). So the rule would be that if you convert a certain texture, then convert all the other files with the same name (.BumpH, .tgb if they exist)

strange, me, i have make that like this:

Martin98 Wrote:strange, me, i have make that like this:

You're using the new wrapper.dll? The example I gave is for when using the old one.

Thanx for the info.

Cheers, Neil Smile

So, as far as I have learnt (from someone that knows how but wants to remain unnamed), there are two types of trees in textures: random trees and trees controlled by a tree file.

Random trees appear only if the texture filename does NOT contain the word "fields".
So for instance "rom_fields_MidLand2.tga" will have no random trees, while "rom_LowLand0.tga" will have trees placed according to a random textures.

Textures containing the word "fields" will have trees only if another file with suffix "tree" exists, e.g. rom_fields_MidLand2.tree.tga.

A tree file is a grayscale image where black= no tree, white=tree.

Hope this helps

Thanks Maraz&friends, also check tree method discovered by tab flettner in his Ardennes thread Big Grin

am I correct in noting that these random trees are indestructible??

trying them out with Perfect settings....they look great as they sway about...but nothing destroys them..!!

fabianfred Wrote:am I correct in noting that these random trees are indestructible??

trying them out with Perfect settings....they look great as they sway about...but nothing destroys them..!!

Oleg's patented perma-pines. :wink:

How densly can you paint them?

spud Wrote:How densly can you paint them?

they look great...but of course that can also be an FPS killer..... I don't think we could ever use them instead of the 'wood'

I'm pretty transparent, huh?


FPS drop can be checked with random trees having forest density, I'm pretty curious about it. However there's another problem, the visibility distance, these trees are poping up at pretty small distance and for extended regions populated with random trees this would be an immersion kller, well maybe unless the ground texture assigned makes poping up less evident.

So is there a consensus on the easiest way to get rid of random trees like these ones which pop up through my quaysides. The underlying textures in these areas are
City3 = land/summer/rom_factory.tga

[Image: Screenshot-31.jpg]


Is this in Enhanced FMB or Normal FMB? I get this problem in Enhanced on airfields, but in Normal they "disappear".

Another solution may to make a "bucket" object for the tree to be placed in, the French like to tart up their urban and industrial areas Wink Not much, help I know. Your maps looking good though.


That image was taken in Map Editor mode.
Just checked it in normal mode and your right, they've gone.
-- very odd. It would be nice to understand whats happening?

Still lots of fiddling around to do with the map. I need to cut the map_c back a bit in the canal mouth area. Dunkirk is a kind of learning exercise for me. I think things will get quicker after I finish this area.

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