New bright reticles for Japanese A6M series

This is a bright style reticle for the Japanese A6M series. I cleared some fog and used Sojka's Reticle.mat file and my .tga files for the projected light look.

Copy the Reticle_JA_A6M folder to your Mods folder and you are good to go.

If you have a conflict or it doesn't seem to work, remember folders in the Mods folder load in alphabetical order and the first file loaded is the one used. Check to see if any other Mods/3do/cockpit/ files are loading before it.

catahoulak9 02/07/08

New v3 with corrections and added K-61 series updated 02/09/08 ... einfo.html ... A6M_v3.rar

By catahoulak9 Reticle_JA_A6M_v3

Doesn't seem to work for the model 62 and 63.

Yep, you're right.

I never did figure out why some planes work and some don't. The P-51 series is one. I have a down sized 200m range bright style reticle for US planes and can't get any of the Mustangs to use it. Anyone have any ideas on this?

Sorry about the 62 & 63. I didn't mean to include them in the set so just delete those two files from the Mods/3do/cockpit/ folder.

Just rename folders as A6M7_62 and A6M7_63 and it work Wink

Thanks, they are very good :lol:

For P51, what are the folder names you use ?

IF differents as that, please have a try..


Thanks tony-bron, that worked for the A6M7 62 and 63!

I renamed Mods/3do/Cockpit/ files

P-51B-NA to P_51B
P-51C-NT to P_51C
P-51D-5NT to P_51D5NT

and it didn't work for these, I still get the default reticle. My original file names came from the old Files/i18n/ file descriptions.

Oh well, I wish it could have been that simple.

I found a little bug on japanese reticles.There is a square grid around reticle

[Image: reticleam7.jpg]

These gray lines need to be removed from Reticle2.tga

[Image: reticle2de2.jpg]

After correction...

[Image: retticlecorrectzr7.jpg]

Okay version 2 is up on my first post. I think I fixed everything.

Nice game of Beat The Beta everyone. Let me know if you find anything else.

Catahoulak9 Wrote:Thanks tony-bron, that worked for the A6M7 62 and 63!

I renamed Mods/3do/Cockpit/ files

P-51B-NA to P_51B
P-51C-NT to P_51C
P-51D-5NT to P_51D5NT

and it didn't work for these, I still get the default reticle. My original file names came from the old Files/i18n/ file descriptions.

Oh well, I wish it could have been that simple.

Try this:


Narak_SK thats it! Thanks a bunch, buddy. That was driving me nuts. I'm doing the Mardi Gras Happy Dance around the room right now.

I'll be posting US N9 reticles for all US planes soon now. I have one for the F4F3 up right now to see what it looks like.

very nice, thank you!

Can you add these beautiful reticles to all Ki-61's? They use the same reticles as a Zeros.Folder name for all 3 Ki-61's is : Ki-61

Thanks Narak_SK. I just posted version 3 with the added K-61 file.


You can add it yourself to your existing Mods folder too. Just go to Mods/Reticle_JA_A6M_v2/3do/Cockpit/. You should see the list of A6M folders. To add the new K-61 folder just right click and select New then Folder and name it K-61. Then copy the 3 files from any of the A6M folders into your new K-61 folder. That's it.

looks just like i always wanted it to.

but for some reason i can only see it in the ki planes, all A6 still show the same ugly reticle.

and all folders are there : Cry

There must be another /3do/cockpit/A6M* mod loading before it.

Try this:
Rename my file something like AA_Reticle_JA_A6M so it will load before any other mods, and make sure it loads before your old Files folder. Now load IL2 and check to see if the new reticle works for that A6M planes. If it does, that means there was another mod loading before it and canceling it out. Now you just have to track down the other mod that was loading /3do/cockpit/A6M* files and decide if you still want it. If you want both, then you'll have to combine the individual planes files so they load from one or the other mod.

Remember, the new wrapper will not load duplicate folders. I got caught by the new MkI Spitfire and planeshine conflict that took days for me to figure out.

If there was something conflicting let me know so I can put it in the readme. I think it's a good idea t post known conflicts to keep everyone from having to do the same investigative work.

can you make this for Gladiators (MK I. MK II.) ? :o

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