Battle of Britain 'Online' Map WIP

Hello CanonUK Smile

This looking fantastic! Will you include your airfields and the textures also in this big BOB map ?

It is actually incredible, a BOB before BOB Big Grin

At least two thumps (mine, I don't know how many more Wink) up for you terrific work Smile

Yeah, I'll be able to share textures and things with the other BoB mappers Smile

Looking at photographs of the aicraft dispersal areas, I noticed that the high canopies were walled with bales of hay, not the mounds that I currently have. So, I cloned and retextured a bunker so now I have some effective looking bales of hay

[Image: calais5.jpg]


Looking very good. Great new textures.
Let me know if you want to use any harbour details.
I have dock and breakwater layouts for Dunkirk, Dover, and Boulogne.
Soon to do Calais and Dieppe.
I guess I would only need to give you the actors.static

Hi asheshouse,

Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on it, even though because my map is smaller than yours I might have to tweak the size and shape a little.

Anyhoo, today I've been working on my inflight map. As soon as I decided to start this project I knew exactly how I wanted the inflight map to look. So, now you're able to see the area my map is including. I've brought the Cotenin peninsula a little north so that I can get the Querqeuville and Maupertus airfields in. So sue me! Wink

Image greatly scaled down.

[Image: inflight.jpg]


Great looking map.

OOOOOOOOOOOO, i can't wait Big Grin

Very nice, indeed!

that one will be a treat ..... great job ... like always Big Grin


Nice one Joe Smile Map looks great

Cheers, Neil Smile

Superb work Joe, really looking forward to this. Thanks.

Canon, when we could excpect this?

How long do we have to suffer before it airs? :lol:

Two weeks...


Seriously, I'm not sure. It won't be that long, but I'm moving home next week so that means disruption, no internet for a while and busy-busy days.

There's also a fair amount to do still. The actual map and textures are all done, as is all the Chain Home sites. I've built two airfields, but as you can see there's lots more. And as each one is being as close to 100% accurate as possible it might take a little while. There's also cities to build, and whilst they won't be packed full of objects or totally accurate, I want them to look good. I have a willing helper who's going to help with cities, so they shouldn't take too long.

One last thing - I don't mean to be a tease, but it's exhilarating to finally shoot down Hurricanes over Beachy Head, or defend Dover from hordes of Henikels!


Beautiful map!!!

If we can only have a real Spit Mk.1 :?

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