Truly invisible stationaryrunway (like type 4 but no runway)

Would it be possible to create a new stationary runway and use a different object (maybe something similar to the little box used for air raid siren) so we can make airfields wherever we want? The problem with the runway type 4 (invisible) is that it is still a runway and if you land there and then drive off it's like you jump a cliff. In addition, this is hard to use if the ground isn't flat. Basically what I'm asking for is something I can use as a take-off point that isn't a runway but is tiny (just provides a starting way point nothing else).

Now the map tools FMB is available to can easily alter any map to your own version....for your own use at home...or with friends as long as you all have the same files

with this you can build your own airstrip...putting in the taxi ways and parking places (for the AI to use)...or just have a simple icon which your plane will 'set' as a takeoff or landing point Confusedhock:

Actually, I would dearly love to have an invisible runway plate perhaps 4000' long. The number of fps killing objects it would save would be impressive.

the problem with runways is not for AI...but for people....AI can take-off from plain ground and rarely nose-in (landing is another matter)
but people have difficulty on bumpy used to be easier in il2..then in one patch it was made bumpier and the grass was made to have more friction upon the wheels

perhaps we should be looking for the setting they changed to make it so...and ideally make it a mission builders setting to alter (as with the life of craters)

or...we could use blank ground plates only on the crucial area of a runway....because once we are going fast enough to get the tail up we rarely nose-in then......obviously landings have to be very careful...and taxiing equally so.

but this would only be necessary for virgin strips...not finished ones

Try the one-wheel take off. When you get enough speed, roll the plane a bit, so it rides on one wheel (Left or right). When there's a bump, it will roll the plane to the other wheel and not bump you into the air or nose you in. It should reduce take off accident-rate by more than 50%.

Another Problem is gettign AI to Taxi for Take Off, I don't think you can do this even on the new maps with their airfields,

I love to Taxi and Take off, but if its a single mission its hard to do and still fly and or lead a pack of AI Planes.

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