i need a little russian help! bit word 3d model

hi, after i whas on russian forum, i have found a little explain over requirement of new 3d model to use by modeling of IL2 3D model.

But to can done a fully english version i should know word!
russian word is in red colour!

Quote:10. Outer wing panel, leftist and right (only of 2 details)
Note. Each wing (leftist right), to be divided into 3 primrno equal parts, as it is described above. If prototype - biplane, then thus delyat'sya all its wings.

Quote:n -motrny1

Quote:All details, except hand ropes must be placed on one texture by the size of 1024x1024 pixel. Texture of hand ropes - taylovaya, with the alpha channel, with size to 64x64 pixel. In the basic texture should be carried out 1 layer with the drawn damages - holes, the tracks of fire, etc.

Quote:In the addition, as an example I can propose "razblyudovochku" on the individual parts on B -25.

"3 primrno equal parts" means "approx. 3 equal parts" or "3 approximately equal parts"
"delyat'sya" means "divide itself" sounds like one thing divides another one.
"n -motrny1" - dunno.. apparentle something like "n -engine" the word 'engine' uses as adjective.
"taylovaya," this word is not russian Smile at least it doesnt look like it is. my guess (according the sence of a text you put here) these guys mean 'tiled' or 'tile', nonrussian word but russian spelling. like "klimbitsya" means "to climb", and many russians use this half english word instead of correct normal russian speech. anyway, i think "Texture of hand ropes - taylovaya, with the alpha channel" should be "Texture of hand ropes has been made with using of a tile with the alpha channel".

"razblyudovochku"... oh damn, i know russian well, but i have no idea about the meaning of this word. no idea at all Smile another new russian word obviously. could you show me the russian version of this sentence, coz unfortunately your online-translator changed the sence of it out of all recognition. or better give me the direct link to their forum. Smile

lorenai Wrote:"razblyudovochku"... oh damn, i know russian well, but i have no idea about the meaning of this word. no idea at all Smile another new russian word obviously. could you show me the russian version of this sentence, coz unfortunately your online-translator changed the sence of it out of all recognition. or better give me the direct link to their forum. Smile

oh many thank's lorenai!

but to last word, if you better understand i can you done completly russian cyrilian sentence!

Quote:В дополнение, как пример могу предложить "разблюдовочку" по отдельным частям по B-25. Это не руководство к действию, но может кого-то поможет в нелёгком выборе "сколько куда полигонов"

understand you better now word?

i need just to understand word, rest of sentence is translated

and here now to finish sentence "unknow".?? but here is too difficult to translate it, because containt too unknow word, so if you can translate it!


Всего - 601 х 2 = 1202
WingLout_D0_00 - 70
WingLmid_D0_00 - 23
WingLin_D0_00 - 366 (включает мотогондолу ~300)
Ниши и створки осн. шасси 90(т.к. самолёт 2-х моторный - всё получилось вместе с крылом)

Элерон - 16
Закрылки - 36

Всего - 272 х 2 = 544
Сам двиг. - 116
Втулка винта - 38
Винт(3 лопасти) - 78
Юбка охлаждения - 40

Хвостовое оперение
Всего - 356
Стабилизатор х 2 - 46х2 = 92
Руль высоты х 2 - 24х2 = 48
Киль х 2 - 74 = 148
Руль направления х2 - 34 = 68

осн. стойках2 -79х2 = 158
Передняя стойка - 155

пулемёты(12 шт, разное кол-во полигонов) 324

Всего - 906
Передняя часть - 316
Средняя часть - 148
Задняя часть - 152
"Внутренности" - 224
Мелочи - 66

Итого - 3645

Правда модель сейчас у меня в несколько "разобранном" виде поэтому мог где-то ошибиться, но порядок у меня примерно такой.

i have see it that whas line wee have spoken from chassis and engine no?

Maybe this link:


can help you, this ia an online translator between diffrent languages.

hi stuka!

why think you i ask help?
You can try it to translate via all translation site, i have try 4, nothing result.
That so translation software running, than should have multiple dictionary data, but problem with all site translation, this done just common word translation, don't have any computer,3D, graphic term dictionary, so it heavy difficult to know term we should originally meaning in sentence.

And so if people spoke on a forum a bit technical, than don't is possible to translate any word!

And i think after 20 year computer manipulation, and software settings i should know that exist many online translator, i have 20, if i need more, i think i can find other help.

But here i think that Russian people can better done a meaning sentence.

a good example: Try to translate Army terms, or abbreviation (shortcut of different military organisation, this you done a mixture of sentence which don't understanding meaning sentence).

about "razblyudovochka". still dunno the EXACT sence of it, but, let me try to translate the section you posted here

"В дополнение, как пример могу предложить "разблюдовочку" по отдельным частям по B-25. Это не руководство к действию, но может кого-то поможет в нелёгком выборе "сколько куда полигонов""

"Additionally, as an example i can suggest the allocation of separate parts of B-25 (3d model means?).
This is not a starting point to do, but, maybe it can give some assistance to make a difficult choose: how many polygons to use and where to.""

Quote:i have see it that whas line wee have spoken from chassis and engine no?
I think the biggest red text you posted here is exactly that thing they called "razblyudovochka". it looks like an enumiration of parts (chassis, wings, tail, engine, props and so on) of a plane (b-25), and how many polygons every part contains.

lorenai Wrote:
Quote:i have see it that has line wee have spoken from chassis and engine no?
I think the biggest red text you posted here is exactly that thing they called "razblyudovochka". it looks like an enumeration of parts (chassis, wings, tail, engine, props and so on) of a plane (b-25), and how many polygons every part contains.

yes it contain so we i understand it, enumeration of number polygon or number of face per parts.

so i think i have found correct sense of word, ok i will going translate this paragraph, can"t you controlling my translation, because i been sure, that my sense of understanding is nothing full.

so if i translate red paragraph, this done in English:

translatet text Wrote:Face
2x Wings
Total number of faces- 601 х 2 = 1202
WingLout_D0_00 - 70 "Wing Left Out side"
WingLmid_D0_00 - 23 "Wing left mid"
WingLin_D0_00 - 366 (includes motor gondola ~300) "wing left inside"
Niches and shutters "or fold" Osn. The chassis 90 (since self-years 2 motor - all has turned out together with a wing) "niches and shutters and what sinificatio has "Osn."???, for shutters word i think this will mean flaps no? but niches i don't know aviation terms we can be used to replace this word???"

Ailerons - 16
Flaps -36

2x Engine
Total number of face -272 x2 =544
Eng. It self. - 116 faces "this mean engine abbreviation no?"
Propeller hub -38
Screw (Blade) -78
Cooling skirt - 40

Tail assembly
Total number of face -356
Stabilizer x2 -46x2 = 92 "this will mean tail plane no?"
Elevator -x2 -24x2 = 48 "i dont be sure that word elevator is correct name used to this aviation part"
Bottom x2 - 74 = 148
Rudder x2 -34 =68

Chassis part
Osn. "???" counter x2 -79 =158 (backward???)
Front counter -155

Machine guns (12 x contain different amount of quantity) -324

Total number of face -906
Front part -316
Middle part -148
Tail end -152
"Interior" -224
Trifle??? -66 unknown what is here meaning as aviation parts word.

Total of all parts 3645 faces

The truth model now in my several the "dismantled" form therefore could somewhere be mistaken, but order in me approximately such.

This text speak over count of number faces used to make modeling B25 bomber into 3DS software!!

so i wait just now that you can control my translation.

so now i have found what meaning abbreviation OCH. OSN. = mean Main

so sentence give Main chassis =90 faces

and second sentence done Main counter x2 -79 =158

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