Map files?

...last thing i can think of ....

check i18n folder and see if looks ok ( files\ i18n\

.... also check for that file in other mod folders ....


Norway                Norway
Kiev                  Kiev
Burma                 Burma
Manchuria             Manchuria
KhalkhinGol           KhalkhinGol
NWEurope              Northwest Europe
Kurland_Winter        Kurland Winter
Kurland_Autumn        Kurland Autumn
Kurland_Winter_online Kurland Winter online
Kurland_Autumn_online Kurland Autumn online
Murmansk              Murmansk
MurmanskSummer        Murmansk Summer
Singapore2            Singapore 2
Singapore             Singapore 1
Marianas              Marianas
NewGuinea             New Guinea
Kyushu                Kyushu (South Japan)
Chichi                Chichi Jima
GuadalE               Guadalcanal Early
Guadal                Guadalcanal
Midway                Midway
Tarawa                Tarawa
Hawaii                Hawaii
CoralSea              Coral Sea
Iwo                   Iwo Jima
Okinawa               Okinawa
Palau                 Palau
Wake                  Wake Island
MarianasOnline        Marianas Online
CoralSeaOnline        Coral Sea Online 1
CoralSeaOnline2       Coral Sea Online 2
IwoOnine              Iwo Jima Online
OkinawaOnline         Okinawa Online
PalauOnline           Palau Online
NetCoralSea           Coral Sea
OnlineDesert          Desert Online
OnlineItaly           Italy Online

FinsGulf              Gulf of Finland 1
WinterFinsGulf        Gulf of Finland 2
Balaton               Balaton 1
Balaton_winter        Balaton 2
Lvov                  Lvov
Net3Summer            Online3Summer
NetMountains          Online4Summer
Net5Summer            Online5Summer
Crimea                Crimea
Kuban                 Kuban
Kursk                 Kursk
Moscow                Moscow 1
SummerMoscow          Moscow 2
Prokhorovka           Prokhorovka
Smolensk              Smolensk
Stgrad                Stalingrad 1
SummerStgrad          Stalingrad 2
Berlin                Berlin
Net1Summer            Online1Summer
Net1Winter            Online1Winter
Net2Summer            Online2Summer
Net2Winter            Online2Winter
NetIslands            Online1Islands
Net6Island            Online6Island
Net7Islands           Online7Islands
Normandy1             Normandy1
Normandy2             Normandy2
Normandy3             Normandy3
Ardennes_S            ArdennesSummer
Ardennes_W            ArdennesWinter

Net8Islands           Pacific Islands

Net8Islands_v2        Online8aIslands
SandsOfTime           OnlineMT
Empty1a               Online9a
Empty1a_Winter        Online9aWinter
Empty1b               Online9b
Empty1b_Winter        Online9bWinter
Empty2a               Online10a
Empty2a_Winter        Online10aWinter
Empty2b               Online10b
Empty2b_Winter        Online10bWinter
Empty4a               Online11a
Empty4b               Online11b

Test                  Test

i tried do move everything from files into mods and result was game in russian with empty list in fmb.. :-(

mod folder is supposed to be MODS, Mods, mods or capitals doesnt matter?

jup, uppercase doesn't matter unless you have DOS OS . :wink:

If you get russian splash screen after moving "files" to "mods" than you have some other mod that is using Gui/background0.tga ... files ...

New wrapper works like this :

first it loads everything from "mods" folder ( it reads folders alphabetically and loads game structure folders and files only once so if same file is present in two folders it will load only one from the first folder)

secondly it loads from "files" folder ( only files that are not present in "mods" folder) .... filelist.txt is irrelevant here

... and your looks ok

please check if ( i18n folder) is looking like this :

# StatusBar: 'selected' + actor name
Selected              Selected
# StatusBar: 'loading' + landscape name
Loading               Loading

# --- Menu Bar Items
&File                 &File
Load/SaveMissionFiles Load/Save Mission Files
&Edit                 &Edit
TIPEdit               Edit Menu
&View                 &View
TIPView               View Menu

# -- Menu 'File'
&MapLoad              &Load Map
TIPLoadLandscape      Load Map SubMenu
Load                  Load ...
TIPLoad               Load Mission File
Save                  Save
SaveAs                Save As ...
TIPSaveAs             Save Mission File
Play                  Play
TIPPlay               Play Current Mission
&Exit                 &Exit
ExitBuilder           Exit Builder

# -- Menu 'Edit'
&Conditions           &Conditions
TIPConditions         Edit Weather And Time Conditions
&Texts                Des&cription
TIPTexts              Edit Mission Description
&DeleteAll            &Delete All
TIPDeleteAll          Delete All Objects

# -- Menu 'View'
&Object               &Object
TIPObject             Show/Hide Object Dialog
&Landscape            &Landscape
TIPLandscape          Show/Hide Landscape Dialog
De&struction          De&struction
TIPDestruction        Show/Hide Objects Destruction Dialog
&DisplayFilter        &Display Filter
TIPDisplayFilter      Display Filter SubMenu
&IconSize             &Icon Size
TIPIconSize           Icon Size SubMenu
Save&ViewHLand        &Hover Camera
TIPSaveViewHLand      Maintain camera altitude over the ground
Show&Grid             Show &Grid
TIPShowGrid           Show/Hide Grid
&AnimateCamera        Smooth &Transitions
TIPAnimateCamera      Smooth camera transitions between 2D/3D modes

# -- SubMenu 'Display Filter'
showBridge            Show Bridge
TIPshowBridge         Show/Hide Bridge Icons
showRunway            Show Runway
TIPshowRunway         Show/Hide Runway Icons
showName              Show Name
TIPshowName           Show/Hide Object Name
showTime              Show Time
TIPshowTime           Show/Hide Time in Path
showArmy              Show Army
TIPshowArmy           Show/Hide Army
showTarget            Show Target
showStaticCamers      Show Static Cameras
show                  Show
showBornPlaces        Show Home Base
&ShowAll              &Show All
TIPShowAll            Show All Icons
&HideAll              Hide All
TIPHideAll            Hide All Icons
showRocket            Show Rocket

# --- PopUp Menu
&Unselect             &Unselect
TIPUnselect           Unselect Current Object
&Delete               &Delete
TIPDelete             Delete Current Object
De&stroyObject        De&stroy Object
TIPDestroyObject      Destroy Nearest Object
Re&storeObject        Re&store Object
TIPRestoreObject      Restore Nearest Object
De&stroyBridge        De&stroy Bridge
TIPDestroyBridge      Destroy Nearest Bridge
Re&storeBridge        Re&store Bridge
TIPRestoreBridge      Restore Nearest Bridge

# --- Dialog titles
StandBy               Stand By
LoadMission           Loading Mission
SaveMission           Saving Mission
ConfirmExit           Exit Builder

# --- Dialog messages
# 'Loading Landscape:' + landscape name
LoadingLandscape      Loading Landscape:\n
LoadingMission        Loading Mission\n
ConfirmExitMsg        Would you like to save new mission file ?\n

# --- Dialog load/save files
MissionFiles          Mission Files

# --- Dialog Landscape
# Title
Landscape             Landscape
# Labels
Light                 Brightness:
Show                  Show:
TIPLight              Set Landscape Brightness
TIPShow               Show/Hide Landscape

# --- Dialog Object
# Title
Object                Object
BornPlace             Home Base
# Tabs
Type                  Type
AircraftActor         Properties
Waypoint              Waypoint
ChiefActor            Properties
StaticActor           Properties
BornPlaceActor        Properties
tTarget               Target
StaticCamera          Static Camera
bplace_aircraft       Aircraft
# Buttons
ButtonShow            Show
ButtonHide            Hide
&Prev                 Prev
&Next                 Next
&Set                  Set
&Clear                Clear
bplace_addall         Add All
bplace_delall         Remove All
Rocket                Rocket
# Labels
Army                  Army:
Squadron              Squadron:
Wing                  Flight:
Weapons               Weapons:
Fuel                  Fuel:
Planes                Planes:
Skill                 Skill:
Rookie                Rookie
Average               Average
Veteran               Veteran
Ace                   Ace
Custom                Custom
Skin                  Skin:
Pilot                 Pilot:
NumberOn              Markings On:
Default               Default
Plane1                Plane 1
Plane2                Plane 2
Plane3                Plane 3
Plane4                Plane 4
OnlyAI                Only AI:
Player                Player:
Height                Height:
[M]                   [m]
Speed                 Speed:
[kM/H]                [km/h]
lType                 Type:
Target                Target:
Name                  Name:
TimeOut               TimeOut:
landing               Landing
Primary               Primary
Secondary             Secondary
Secret                Hidden
DestructLevel         Destruction level
AppliesArmy           Applies for:
bplace_planes         Available
bplace_list           In Reserve
bplace_cats           Add/Remove by Category
bplace_country        Country:
bplace_year           Year:
bplace_category       Category:
bplace_sturm          Ground attack planes
bplace_fiter          Fighters
bplace_int            Interceptors
bplace_bomber         Bombers
bplace_recon          Recon planes
bplace_diver          Dive Bombers
bplace_sailer         Sea planes
bplace_single         Single-Engine planes
bplace_multi          Multi-Engine planes
FrontMarker           Front Marker
showFrontMarker       Show Front Marker
building              Object
buildings             Objects
Count                 Count:
Period                Period:
RHide                 Hold Fire:
Sleep                 Sleep:
Skill                 Skill:
Parachute             Parachute:
RadioSilence          Radio Silence:
Noseart               Noseart:
Slowfire              ROF:

# --- Dialog 'Destruction'
# Title
Destruction           Destruction
# Labels
DestLight             Brightness:
TIPDestLight          Set Destruction 'brightness'
DestSize              Brush Size:
TIPDestSize           Set Destruction Brush Size
DestValue             Destruction Level:
TIPDestValue          Set Destruction Level: Left - zero, Right - maximum

# --- Dialog 'Mission Conditions'
# Title
MissionConditions     Mission Conditions
# Labels
Time                  Time:
Weather               Weather:
Clear                 Clear
Good                  Good
Hazy                  Hazy
Poor                  Poor
Blind                 Blind
Rain/Snow             Rain/Snow
Thunder               Thunder
CloudHeight           Cloud Height
[m]                   [m]
weather               Weather
misc                  Misc.
timeLocked            Static Time:
weaponsLocked         No User Loadout:

# --- Dialog 'Texts'
# Title
Texts                 Mission Description
# Tabs
textName              Mission Name
textShort             Short
textDescr             Full Description

# --- Type waypoints
NORMFLY               Normfly
TAKEOFF               Takeoff
LANDING               Landing
GATTACK               GAttack

# --- Target types
Destroy               Destroy
DestroyGround         Destroy Ground
DestroyBridge         Destroy Bridge
Inspect               Recon
Escort                Escort
Defence               Defence
DefenceGround         Defence Ground
DefenceBridge         Defence Bridge

yop, looks ok

i mean whole game was in russian, not just loading screen

could you pls upload me your all.ini, i mean whole file, not just content...

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