Texture Request...

S! All, particularly those texture pro's or those who would like to try their hand at this...

For my NZ map, a large portion of central Otago mountains, and Canterbury, look like this;

[Image: nz_newyear3.jpg]

Could someone please have a attempt at pulling something off like this (see the red square...)?

Anyone...? Please...?

I've tried myself - but I just can't get it looking right no matter what I do... :oops:

Nobody interested in lending a hand...?

Having such a texture would be great, generally for autumn highland scenery. I can't help m8, I'm an image noob, hopefully someone else because i think it will be a really useful texture.

I'll give it a go a bit later today.

You want that exact colouring?

i had a shot at it for magpie but i couldnt get it right as he perrferd it

[Image: Untitled-1copy-1.jpg]

Give this a try Magpie:

I used RAF_Leigh's as a base and added a bit more "variety" -- hopefully should tile OK...you be the judge and if you don'tl ike it, no sweat:

[Image: CanterburyHills-1.jpg]

Good luck with your map mate.

Steve T, looking good mate. I'm thinking I might need two or three different veriants of this, to give a better effect... So Canonuk, lookin forward to seeing what you can gleam up Smile

If you guys could send me the textures..?

Quote:If you guys could send me the textures..?

I tried the e-mail address on your website with no luck -- why not just right click and save the jpeg (it's 512x512) and then save that in the right format? You won't lose much "quality" in my effort doing this ;-)

Anyway, here are three slightly different versions of the tile:

[Image: CanterburyHills.jpg]

[Image: CanterburyHills2.jpg]

[Image: CanterburyHills3.jpg]

Hope you can use them, if not, no problem.


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