MapC tool for large files !!!! solution

Ok, this goes for those who are like me and newer read readme's thoroughly :oops: :oops:

So as authors has kindly instructed me ( again .... shame on me :oops: ) this is what needs to be done :

- edit each of .bat files ( right click - edit)

change values for Xmx from 512 to 1024 ( if you have enough physical memory...)

example :

java -Xmx512M -jar CMap.jar c to: java -Xmx1024M -jar CMap.jar c

thats it .....

many thanks to the authors .... again
Big Grin


And if THAT isn't enough, you can probably alter the 1024 to 2048 or even 4096!!!!!!! Big Grin

well.... from how i see it , pretty soon someone will come up with idea : why not 1:1 world map ? :wink:

so you may be right there....Big Grin


I wish this came out yesterday.....

I've been working on a 1:2 scale map because my map_C wouldn't dissect...

last night I decided to go to 3:4 scale and resized all my files in PS..

..I just tried to dissect a 1:1 and it worked OK....

so, I'll have to make new map_h and T files in is probably not good to keep up and down sizing in PS....maybe lose something in the process :roll:

i was thinking of a paciffic mapp but of course too big and too much ram i would need

I was working on a full scale map of Spain that included all of six sectors from the SRTM GeoTiff downloads. I managed to get it scaled up properly and was getting out of memory errors on CMAP.

I upped the mem to 1024 and then 2048 and it still would not work, but I noticed it errored faster on the 2048 setting. This made me think it was not taking the 2048 meg setting as valid. (I have 4 gigs on an WinXP system). So then I tried setting it to 1536 megs and then it worked!

So if you are trying to process a large map don't assumeyou can just keep raising the mem limit in the .bat file. I do not know if this is because of WinXP's max memory limit, so if you use a 64 bit OS you might be able to set the RAM level higher, it would be nice to know if someone with Vista wants to experiment.

Unfortunately I still can not get my map to load in FMB, it starts loading and then goes to "Loading Landscape" and just sits there, not erroring out or freezing, just eternally loading (I waited up to an hour) I think it might have to do with the ed_01map file being so large since it is RGB and about 400 mgs in size. (map_c was only 13 megs after processing which seems rather small for a 25,600x22400 file before processing as well)

I have two other small maps of sections of Spain working so I think I am doing things right, though.

Last week I started on my Thailand map....1:1 was no good because it wouldn't disect the map_C I changed to 1:2... then 3:4 scale
after this came out I could disect teh map_c....but it wouldn't load into FMB......the log file kept saying ...out of range....I have 2gb RAM

@Boo: you don't need to have ed_map01 large as map_c .... make it 4 times smaller ( like map_t for example ) , ed_map02 make half size of ed_map01 and FMB loading time will decrease drastically.

@ffb : so same files loads fine in FMB while resized ? ... and same files at 1:1 are giving you error message ? .... strange , i have no idea why is that ...


I tried your advice but it still never ends the loading landscape process, there must be something else wrong in my files or the size is just too much. What is the biggest size map someone has managed to load so far. This one is 25600x22400. (about 1200x1000 km)

... not sure , i though that Slot is the largest one but it is mostly sea ( if i understood it correctly ....)

the largest one i tried to load is Croatia+ and its half size than yours , so i wouldn't know ....


My East Java map is 28928 x 14848 px with map_c at 50m/px, or 1446.4 x 742.4 km. So far it also stays put at "Loading Landscape" but as I haven't made map_F or any of the ed_m0x.tga maps yet I think that may be the cause- at least, I certainly hope so!
Will have to check what the dimensions for Big_yamato's West Java map are, will post them later- it's on a different computer. This map loads without a hitch.
But with an empty actor.static and no objects etc applied it should load..... or not???????

GerritJ9 Wrote:.
But with an empty actor.static and no objects etc applied it should load..... or not???????

with blank actors it would load ( if it was madden via act tool) but i suggest that you put just one runway + take of point cos otherwise classic FMB would not save any mission ( may work with any object placed but i didn't try it ...)


Checked the West Java map: map_c is 11776 x 16384 pixels or 588.8 x 819.2 km. The Slot map, according to figures published by Skunkmeister elsewhere, works out to be 825.6 x 601.6 km. Or, in area, West Java is 482345 km2, the Slot is 496681 km2 and East Java is a whopping 1047772 km2!!!!!!!!!!! Confusedhock:

I obtained my actors.static file by using one from another map, and deleting all text with text editor (I used Notepad) according to instructions posted by asheshouse in the Falklands/Malvinas map topic.
Problem is to get the map to load in the first place in FMB- and if it won't load, I can't place any object on it.......... Catch-22!
So, first to discover what size map_F and the ed_m0x maps have to be, and what type. Off to do some more reading...........

My full size Thailand map was about 19000x19000 something pixels....but the 3:4 one is OK

the West java should be Ok.....but E java is definately too big

Fabianfred, that means your original works out to be approx. 950 x 950 km, or 902500 km2. A 3/4 version (assuming that is a linear reduction) becomes 712 x 712 km, or 506944 km2. It's beginning to look like there is some sort of (artificial) limit to the size of maps IL2 can handle- time to find out if this is correct, and if so what that limit is.
I think I can trim my map somewhat without losing gameplay posibilities, but if the cut has to be substantial there won't be very much point in continuing with my map- it would lose too much.

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