DCG Project [mrz_Malta Map]

[Image: Header.jpg]

A WIP DCG for Maraz's Malta Map by Scharnhorst1943 & Dixiecapt. We thought it a good Idea to post this Topic here, because it might turn into a lesson on how to build DCG's on the new AAA maps, and as always community opinion is valued.

Once Complete we can post a Download topic, and link in the Download Missions Topic if such is the place for a third-party DCG Campaign to go.

The idea is to break up the 1940-42 Siege of Malta into separate sections, giving the player the option to start at anyone of these sections or at the beginning as a mini grandcampaign.

The proposed phases will generally break down like so..

- Phase One -

Time Period: 6/11/40 - 12/32/40
Aircraft: Gladiator Mk I
Airfield: Hal Far (FAA Airdrome)
Enemy: Regia Aeronautica

[Image: HMSArkRoyal.jpg]

- Phase Two -

Time Period: 1941
Aircraft: Hurricane (Multiple Variations)
Airfield: Luqa (Once Civilian Airport)
Enemy: Regia Aeronautica & Luftwaffe

[Image: Eagle.jpg]

- Phase Three -

Time Period: 1942
Aircraft: Spitfire (Multiple Variations)
Airfield: Ta'kali (Allied Airbase)
Enemy: Luftwaffe


A template has already been built on Maraz's Malta Map (Which was quick and easy considering the wonderful work on the static actors of the map)

However the following are a few screen shots of Airfields, and Area's of note that have Populated in the normal FMB for this DCG.

[Image: HalFar1.jpg]

[Image: HalFar2.jpg]

[Image: Luqa-1.jpg]

[Image: TheMostaDome.jpg]

[Image: Takali.jpg]

[Image: Mosta.jpg]

If and When we try and pull a Grandcampaign off for The Slot Map (Imagine a DCG that takes you through the different Slot versions by time) we might need more help, so if this interests Pm Scharnhorst1943, and, or Myself.

Edit: Typos

well hello to the DCG Team .... much needed and appreciated gents Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin



Well done Dixiecapt!
It would be great if an Axis version of the campaign could be made too.


That looks great - I'll be sure to give it a try Smile

I hope a similar thing could be done with my BoB map when it's finished Smile

Good luck with this. Can't think of a better tribute for maraz and all those who helped make the Malta map happen.

DCG is alot faster to make than a Static Campaign, there is the task of building a template, placing pieces, triggers, and setting up ship route and road systems.

then you cut 'er loose and have at it. The goal is to get these DCG's put together for a great Deal of the new maps coming out. The Battle of Britain map is certainly on that list!

Also Maraz I think it will be easy to set up an Axis version once we get this set up, it might be as easy as switching the player flight.

Sharn is the real DCG master of our two man team, with the Malta map, I simply set up the template, and did alot of historical reading and presented things such as Historical Squadron lists and such.

One thing, for those of you talented with the DCG or just deticated to this little project of getting all of these maps playable asap, give us a PM. We will nead the help as the maps begin to pour in!


... one tec question gents .... since we have new plane (SpitMkI) available do anyone knows what file has to be updated and with which line for DCG to recognize it ?

I did find class.dcg but i'm not sure which data should be inserted .... will try to copy SpitV line with just changed name ....

thanks in advance,



tried and no joy :oops: ... added this line in class..dcg :
SPITFIRE1 Spitfire Mk.1 gb 1 1 1 193901 194204 SPITFIRE5B SpitfireMk1 HurricaneMkIa 5000 Meters 340.00 kph Default 340.00 kph

got it in planes window (tab) but can't get it in squadrons tab ..... :oops:

EDITED2: got it ..... ( ...messed up allpaints.dcg ) ... now it works Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

for more:

canonuk Wrote:That looks great - I'll be sure to give it a try Smile

I hope a similar thing could be done with my BoB map when it's finished Smile


Just jumping in to say hello, and that we plan do do this will all new maps that are going to get added. We plan to have Malta finished by the time the slot comes out. As soon as the slot comes out, that one will get added into the DCG campaign.

As for Malta, Dixiecapt has done an exellent job putting historical landmarks and airfields in with static objects. Now I am working on the road network and adding the squadrons. Do not worry, it will be playable by both British and Italian. Now that new planes can be added, we will wait for some Italian bombers and the ability to add new squadrons. As of currently, the number of squadrons might be an issue reguarding playing as Italians, but we will take that as it comes. First got to get the map loactaions and get it loaded in game and make all the files. Little tedious.

Don't worry. We will get your new maps integrated into campaigns as soon as we can ... ALL of them :wink:

sorry....what program will we need to play this campaign?

is it for the campaigns in game or what.....as I usually play only third party single/co-op/campaigns

It's for Lowengrin's Dynamic Campaign Generator Smile


It will be Third-Party, (Because we are making it, not Low)

And you can play this as Co-op, or Single Player. You have to just choose such when you set up the campaign in the DCG.

Remember you can alter campaigns greatly with this tool, no two will ever be alike even if you do set the settings as Identical.

I am just curious, does anyone here know how to add new squadrons that appear? The issue is this. If you play as the British, all of the Italian squadrons will appear just fine. When setting up campaigns, for each squadron ID you can have up to 4 squadron #'s. Each Squadron # will appear as it is placed for AI squadrons. However, if the Player selects this squadron, any other squadrons using that ID will be void and will not appear. We have two squadrons for Italy ... And if one of them is user ...

I need to add acouple more squadrons for Italy for really have this where it needs to be. I was just curious if anyone knew how?

I'm looking forward to this.
Great news that a campaign is being put together.


We've hit a snag, and we need your help AAA.

The problem is there are only two squadrons for the Italians in IL-2. The Default, and the Named Squadron. This will cause a problem with the DCG Campaign of MRZ_Malta because The I-Ties will be limited too how many A/C they can put up in the air, How Many Targets they can hit, and how quicky they will run out of A/C.

I searched the threads about adding Countries, so I assume adding a Squadron or Two can be done, since people have added Countries before.

Can Anyone lend a helping hand?

- Thanks!

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