Getting more information out of the Actors.static files.


I've been seeing some of the great tools that have come out from modders...great work! However, I've been using the Act tools, and although it extracts some very good and important data, it IS neglecting some of the other objects, like (for example) airfield waypoints and flight paths, bridges, and so on into an output txt file.

I would like to see how that can be exported like everything else. I've been playing with it, and no such luck. The tools reads them, so I know they're there. But alas...

...Any suggestions? Ideas? And as well, I'm trying to access the "com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMapActors" file to see about making the copy and paste function work for mission building (to help out those who made the FMB+ tool), and it's encrypted. What tool am I missing?

The Legacy Wrote:Hello!

I've been seeing some of the great tools that have come out from modders...great work! However, I've been using the Act tools, and although it extracts some very good and important data, it IS neglecting some of the other objects, like (for example) airfield waypoints and flight paths, bridges, and so on into an output txt file.

I would like to see how that can be exported like everything else. I've been playing with it, and no such luck. The tools reads them, so I know they're there. But alas...

...Any suggestions? Ideas? And as well, I'm trying to access the "com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMapActors" file to see about making the copy and paste function work for mission building (to help out those who made the FMB+ tool), and it's encrypted. What tool am I missing?

There is a readme for Actors tool and there is explanation how to change airfield waypoints and bridges, read it please.


Okay, I just read it over. I'm sorry to bother you in regards to why they "didn't output". I didn't take a closer look at it when I really should of.

In that case, it does indeed work. However, why the placeholders? And, is there any way to actually get how the game sees them?

Basically, here's what I'm trying to do. I want to see how uncompressed actors.static files look like uncompressed. Like, for example (this is psuedocode):

Psuedocode Example
  0_AFT builder.MapActors$Takeoff 1 17225.6 5624.396 9150.0 0.0 null
  1_AFT builder.MapActors$Takeoff 1 18581.67 6407.4253 9330.0 0.0 null
  2_AFT builder.MapActors$Takeoff 1 5661.217 9105.145 9540.0 0.0 null
  3_AFT builder.MapActors$Takeoff 1 7227.123 9105.234 9720.0 0.0 null

  0_WP Waypont$Taxi 1
  1_WP Waypont$Taxi 1
  2_WP Waypont$Taxi 1
  3_WP Waypont$Taxi 1
  4_WP Waypont$Park 1
  5_WP Waypont$Park 1

  4858.825 20319.812 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  4874.413 20310.812 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  6208.093 19540.812 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  6227.1445 19529.812 120.00
  19802.328 17741.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  19819.648 17731.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  19958.213 17651.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  20460.508 17361.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  20919.502 17096.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  21153.328 16961.086 120.00 0 2 2.3611111640930176
  21170.648 16951.086 120.00

What I'm trying to figure out, is how to be able to place airfields and airfield waypoints into standard mission code. Since Microwave and you (FC) made FMB+, and since I was originally poking through the game code before I realised that the tool existed (great work by the way), I realised that airfields could be placed like a standard object. I'm figuring that the same can be done with airfield code. I'm not sure if it's been already done. Heck, I've searched thoroughly through this forum to find any references to things such as this. I mean, other than having terrain features, the actors.static is pretty much just a much more extensive version of a mission file, right? I mean, the waypoint and placement system seem to share a lot in common.

Again, sorry if I did overlook a tool or post which already covers whichever I'm trying to find. And if not, is there some way to translate that to the actual code terms that the game uses? (As in similar to my psuedocode).

Thanks, and sorry if I frustrated you.

It's been a few days, and I'm still looking for an answer. :?

The Legacy Wrote:It's been a few days, and I'm still looking for an answer. :?

What was the question?

Quote:However, why the placeholders? And, is there any way to actually get how the game sees them?

1. It was faster for a person who made the tool to use placeholders than to dig through the code to find pseudo objects that game use for airfield waypoints.

2. Enhanced FMB was unknown at the time when most of the code for actors tool was written.

Quote:I mean, other than having terrain features, the actors.static is pretty much just a much more extensive version of a mission file, right?

Actors.static is just a compressed mission file, terrain features are not part of actors. Only objects and airfield waypoints are inside actors.static.

Quote:Basically, here's what I'm trying to do. I want to see how uncompressed actors.static files look like uncompressed.

I don't know how it looks but I think it's like this:
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$CrimeaHouse1 POSP 29394.582 31218.781 2.00701 POSO 534.24 0.0 -0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$CrimeaHouse1 POSP 29377.363 31246.938 2.00701 POSO 625.64624 0.0 -0.0

spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.Plate$DesertGroundTaxi POSP 5670.294 47234.594 0.25 POSO 709.9875 -0.0 -0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.Plate$DesertGroundTaxi POSP 5630.919 47227.664 0.25 POSO 709.9875 -0.0 -0.0

spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33895.24609375 4934.216796875 33869.53515625 4964.8583984375
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33732.12890625 4895.251953125 33716.05859375 4914.40283203125
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33868.43359375 4911.71923828125 33842.72265625 4942.36083984375
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33789.58203125 4943.4609375 33773.51171875 4962.6123046875

spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 3821.0334 9469.116 0.2 POSO 6980.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 12842.832 26740.232 0.2 POSO 4860.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 14379.602 26740.232 0.2 POSO 4680.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 6912.708 47514.688 0.2 POSO 1790.0 0.0 0.0

Quote:sorry if I frustrated you.

You didn't frustrated me, I was frustrated first few time when people asked things that are written in readme but not anymore.


Oh okay.

My question was to find out how to be able to add runway AI paths and runway setups using just the mission editor (meaning that placable runways will have the ability to operate normally).

I see how you guys figured out how some of the objects are placed. I guess my second question will be how do you turn this:

Quote:spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$CrimeaHouse1 POSP 29394.582 31218.781 2.00701 POSO 534.24 0.0 -0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.buildings.House$CrimeaHouse1 POSP 29377.363 31246.938 2.00701 POSO 625.64624 0.0 -0.0

Into this:

0_bld House$CrimeaHouse1 1 29394.582 31218.781 534.24
1_bld House$CrimeaHouse1 1 29377.363 31246.938 625.64624

I'm thinking its doable, since I know that this can be imported into missions (and I figured that out using the SFS Export before I came across the FMB+:

Quote: 0_bld Plate$ConcreteRunwayEnd 1 20428.00 37353.00 470.00
1_bld Plate$ConcreteRunwayEnd 1 20129.99 36654.96 650.00

I'm willing to try to figure this out myself, but since I'm so new to modding IL-2 (though not new in general), I'm just needing some help, or at least some methods that I can use to equate stuff. Smile

Once I figure it out (or find out it's impossible), I'll be posting how. But this is why I need some help. Smile

Okay, I think I'm onto something. I've been checking out the class files for the mission builder, and I've seen headers of interest. I'm still having trouble cracking open actors.static files into the form like you showed above:

spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33895.24609375 4934.216796875 33869.53515625 4964.8583984375
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33732.12890625 4895.251953125 33716.05859375 4914.40283203125
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33868.43359375 4911.71923828125 33842.72265625 4942.36083984375
spawn com.maddox.il2.builder.PathAirdrome RAWDATA 2 2 33789.58203125 4943.4609375 33773.51171875 4962.6123046875

spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 3821.0334 9469.116 0.2 POSO 6980.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 12842.832 26740.232 0.2 POSO 4860.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 14379.602 26740.232 0.2 POSO 4680.0 0.0 0.0
spawn com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Runaway POSP 6912.708 47514.688 0.2 POSO 1790.0 0.0 0.0

If I could at least see a complete Actors.static file, or know how to extract it without converting it into something I can't exactly use, I'd appreciate it. Big Grin

What I have so far is code like this:

TAKEN FROM PlMisHouse.class
   int i = sectfile.sectionIndex("Buildings");

TAKEN FROM PlMapActor.class
   int i = sectfile.sectionIndex("static");

I can sense that I'm really close to finding what I'm looking for.

Just so everyone knows, this is still not resolved.

Can anyone give me a hand?

Just as a recap, I'm trying to figure out how to place airfield waypoints and markers placeable into a mission file. So far, I've tracked down the code for it; now I just need to translate it somehow if I could get a solid look at an uncompressed (but not converted) actors.static file.

Read my previous posts in this thread to know what I'm talking about. Smile

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