CUSTOM TEXTURES and map mods structure ... please read

Ok, seams to me that more mods are coming with custom textures so i'd like for us to get some kind of agreement regarding mod structure ....

... i was thinking of two ways acceptable for AAA map mods :

1. make new folder with authors prefix in name and put all custom text. files in it ( no need for prefix in filenames here )

example :

gameroot\mods\mapmods\maps\_Tex\fly_Z\ xxxx.tga

2 put your files in default "texture"folders ..... Prefix in files names is mandatory here !

.... this should drastically decrease publishing time ( cos i won't have to rearrange every mod that is submitted)

.... opinions please

thank you


Standards are good.

Stuff that streamlines your workload is also good.

Yep, sounds good to me Wink

Cheers, Neil Smile

Solution 1 seems more easier to manage so I would go with that.


Option 2 - looks favourite
Just needs some file naming rules established to keep it orderly.

I like more the second option. Although I can't see now a clear advantage over the first, except I think it'll be somewhat easier to handle when there will be lots of textures. Hehe, lots of textures, that would be great...

... IMHO with first option there is less danger for mods overlapping (conflicts) and easier for users to update/uninstall , hence less explanations for authors later on

as i said, submitted mods with either option are acceptable .....


All clear now, I thought it was deciding between the 2.
Now let's hope it will rain with good textures Big Grin

...ok then , i'll update guidelines for mods submissions with that instructions .

thanks gents

p.s. nice to read you again Lowfighter Big Grin

fly_zo Wrote:p.s. nice to read you again Lowfighter Big Grin

Well I'm mostly sitting in my armchair and rubbing my hands while seeing what is going on here, and generally on AAA. Pretty amazing and beautiful developments Big Grin
I have a small time allocated to work modifying Moscow map summer (a forgotten map lol)

lowfighter Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:p.s. nice to read you again Lowfighter Big Grin

Well I'm mostly sitting in my armchair and rubbing my hands while seeing what is going on here, and generally on AAA. Pretty amazing and beautiful developments Big Grin
I have a small time allocated to work modifying Moscow map summer (a forgotten map lol)

all thanks to you m8 ( all.ini was discover of the century .... among others ) .... looking forward to your mod Big Grin


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