pavel, ochen horoshaya idea, ya za toboy :wink:
if you wonder where is russian is from, remember i am from Belarus :wink: :lol:
Install FlexType,if you want to have cyrilics... :lol:
Я Сло и я Моддер. Тб-1 еть добра. Что еть Тб-1ской бомблоад? Не знаю. Я люблю равотать етот пройект.
Sorry for bad russian, just having lessons :oops:
[quote="Avala"][quote="fly_zo"].... uh, vje
hmph....this fin would like to know what brother russians are talking about :lol: 8)
Cool man.........very good work........but whrere will be the i-153???
i think that you mean the I-5, well, we need to make that plane first :roll:
great job slow!
Poli's I-5 will maybe be done later.