[DOWNLOAD] "Ba$tards of the Slot" campaign


http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ails&id=52

Swashes? Buckled.
Tongue? In cheek.
We are ready for launch!

Interested in half-arsed, absolutely bullshit missions that will test your flying and shooting ability, all with lashings of foul language, crap planes and seaplanes thrown in? Who could resist?

Currently I'm putting together some far-fetched, melodramatic piratical missions set in a Crimson Skies-esque world using the magnificent Slot map. it will be pretty short and may be done soonish.

The campaign will showcase the amazing work done by all the modders as it will use many of the old 'non-flyables' as well as, obviously, the Slot map.
Here are some shots.
Fly for "the bastards of the Slot". The filthiest bunch of *&^#s to ever spit.
In this mission you aim to steal stuff from the scum of the Trade Guild by forcing them to kick out their cargo before they cross the water.
[Image: ricefield.jpg]
[Image: c47droppingcargo.jpg]
[Image: floatingdown.jpg]

Here our hero decids that discretion is the better part and hides from the approaching joint-Bolshevik/ trade Guild federation 'hostile takeover' force.
[Image: giveup.jpg]
[Image: hostiletakeover.jpg]

Here you are on watch - on the accursed Crow's Nest. Take off from on top of a volcano and intercept the cargo drones.
[Image: volcano1.jpg]

In this mission you must protect the "secret pirate base" along one of the gorgeously made rivers on this map.
[Image: riverbase.jpg]
Jousting at sea
[Image: mbrfiringonwater.jpg]
Escaping after bloing stuff up by surprise!
[Image: bailin.jpg]



amazing Big Grin .... i see you didn't lose your "touch" FSM Big Grin

looking forward to it


shweet :lol:
this looks like some good old school fun with some new school stuff!

cant wait FSM 8)

This looks so bad ass! :wink:

I love such ba$tards! Tongue

I love it!

Can't wait to see it!

Looks nice ... u make me want to start to build my first campaign ... ( i play il-2 since last september Big Grin )

may i steal some of your ideas Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin ??? like pirates base ... hidden and tricky action ... Big Grin

I had forgotten this thread. Thanks for bumping it guys.
Gambinobros - go ahead. I stole my ideas from Dubbo's campaigns Big Grin
Vince - good to see you over here.
Anyway, progress has hit a wall as I have spent the last three nights trying to land a C-47, a glider, a B-24, a Ju52 (seaplane and regular) on one of those little US carriers (it makes sense, kind of) with any kind of consistency. Alas, it's impossible to do so I'm going to have to change the carrier for one of the bigger ones, I suppose Cry

Anyway, some more pics.
It doesn't always go the way you think it will...
[Image: droppingin.jpg]

Sometimes it does though Tongue Here, scum from the Bolshevist Federation pay with their lives :evil: :evil:
[Image: seaplaneburns.jpg]

And here is what I've been trying, mainly unsuccessfully, to do.
[Image: c47landing.jpg]
[Image: c47landed.jpg]
[Image: b25ondeck.jpg]
This is a hostile take-over!
[Image: b25raisinghell.jpg]

Just seeing what would happen...
[Image: ju52float.jpg]
[Image: oops.jpg]

Some more WIP shots from a Storch mission.
This campaign will certainly tax your STOL abilities.
Starting off from near HQ
[Image: storchtaxistart.jpg]
[Image: storchtaxiing2.jpg]

Overflying a village, about to make an offering to keeo them on-side.
[Image: lowovervillage.jpg]

[Image: storchnearvillage.jpg]
And off we go to the next one.
[Image: andupagain.jpg]
[Image: village.jpg]

Not quite so successful this time...
[Image: sorchrunaway.jpg]


Still playing around with a river assault mission. Very short but lots of action.
[Image: riverattack2.jpg]
[Image: underwing.jpg]
[Image: overguns.jpg]
[Image: kaboom-1.jpg]
[Image: airborne.jpg]
[Image: escapingraider.jpg]

Thanks for the update, looking forward to this one.

A5M4's vs J8's over a mid-ocean reef? Why?
Because we CAN CAN CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Image: overreefdogfightfar.jpg]
[Image: overreefdogfight2.jpg]

From another mission.
[Image: rocketsrising.jpg]

Sneaking into the enemy anchorage.
[Image: shhh.jpg]
[Image: whatdidIsay.jpg]

[Image: inspiring.jpg]

Those are some mad screenshots. Looking forward to it.

[Image: overboats.jpg]
[Image: intothemouth.jpg]
[Image: neardeathexperience.jpg]
[Image: deadinthewater.jpg]
[Image: aviolentend.jpg]

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