Help with Best BOB download

I am new to these forums and have been flying IL2:1946 with the 4.09b beta dlls and skins. Everything looks great as I have the machine to run maxed out on graphics in the config.ini file.
I was hoping someone could suggest the best Battle of Britain campaign, missions and/or mods to try out and possibly links to get it?! I am currently flying the Spit_N_Fire campaign and enjoying it, but would like to try some mods in a side-by-side install with mods as I currently do not fly online at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated towards getting the best BOB campaign/missions/maps installed and going.


Go to Missions4Today,

and DL these campaigns(campaigns-offline) for a start.

With No.32 Sqn In France
Kanalkampf - With No.32 Sqn - July 1940
Adlerangriff - With No.32 Sqn - August-September 1940
Under the White Rose-With 609 Sqn 1940-41

Battle of Britain - Hurricane Season

RAF Pilot: France

As for a BoB map, the only one we have now is fly_zo's Normandy-BOB
map, there are other BoF/BoB maps being worked on but not yet released.
Good Luck with the above mentioned campaigns, they're very good.

Get my mission [url=]>>HERE

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