about seachights idea/request/dumb question

Two ideas/requests/or just dumb questions:

1. Is it possible to add searchlights to ships e. g. destroyers, capitals? (ASW + Flak)

2. Or A searchlight to planes like a "Sunderland"-H8k with a light on the bottom? (ASW)

HG Wrote:Two ideas/requests/or just dumb questions:

1. Is it possible to add searchlights to ships e. g. destroyers, capitals? (ASW + Flak)

2. Or A searchlight to planes like a "Sunderland"-H8k with a light on the bottom? (ASW)

Did that with a normal searchlight object IN a ship - it works.

How did you do it? (I'm not a hardcore modder .......yet :lol: )

If you would be so kind as to send me a template or a tutorial or somewhat that can be used as a "starter-kit"?

would appreciate it.

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