
I'll do this one I think...and cut it across the middle into two

[Image: bu2.jpg]

I liked the idea on page 2 to skew the map to include everything as long as it included Chittagong.
It showed some really imaginative thinking on your part to satisfy everyone.
This last map divided into 2 parts is OK with me. It's too bad we have the memory problem but we have to deal with it somehow.
If the map is divided, where would the dividing line be?

I'm not making any demands but just mere suggestions here...
Chittagong, Mandalay, and Shwebo airfields would best go in to the south map.
But is it also possible to include Mandalay into the north map too? This would give a major airfield to the Japanese for operations against Imphal and a target for Beaufighters from Imphal too.
Maybe cut off some of the north territory and shift the north map down?
Then you could cut and paste those airfields and include them on both maps...Just an idea.

I will digress. I think you should make the map however you see fit. This is your project FF and I will be very greatful for whatever you choose to release. Keep up the good work my friend. Big Grin


Naturally I want to make the map to please those who are going to use it....

I don't think it is much more difficult one way or another...... I think it would be best to overlap the two halves....so that the middle section is in both maps...that would satisfy those who need certain bases....and also make it easier for campaigns to continue from one map to the other

If by doing this, the halves are not equal in area I don't think it matters

My ideas come from what I know. Aircraft range has something to do with it too.
I just don't know a whole lot about the Flying Tigers operations from Kunming. I do know that they tried to protect the Burma road and transports over the Hump and those routes would be more in the northern section, correct?

We need some input from the Flying Tigers experts like Chris_Blair Smile

Lookin forward to it FF, cannot wait would be closer Smile

CzechTexan Wrote:We need some input from the Flying Tigers experts like Chris_Blair Smile

Somehow I think that won't be happening in a while...

"you'll never get him out of Montana..."

If anyone wants to try it out in its present state...they are welcome.......just as with the OJ map it is unfinished...but you can fly over it...and even make simple missions

I intend to finish work on the map_c first to get all the rivers/lakes correct...... then I will split it into two so that i can load each half into the maptools FMb and start on the road/rail....then towns and airfields

anyone with photos of Burma allied or japanese bases please share them with us...or any similar material which could help the map

FF, I don't have any photos. They are rare as you know. However, I've seen some of the airfields on Google maps that might help.
I made a list of "important" places and airfields. These are from notes I've taken from two books...Mohawks Over Burma...Air War for Burma. I only have notes from the first half of the second book but I think I have most of the important airfields. I can update the "Targets" list later.
This will keep you busy for a while!

Akyab (four fields there)
Mingaladon-near Rangoon
Agartala, India
Feni, India
Dinjan and Tezpur, northern India (usaaf)
Heho airfield
Toungoo - Tennant airfield (Toungoo north)
Toungoo South
Acorn Strip (at Kalyanpur)
Ramu (Paddy strip inland from Cox's Bazaar)
Meiktila, Meiktila East, and a satellite field
Myitkyina (north and south)
"Broadway" field (an unnamed Japanese field is also 20km away)
Shwebo East and West fields (Onbauk)
Mandalay (two fields)
Magwe (Central and South fields)
Prome (north and east)
Monewa (East and North fields)
Rajyeswurpur (60 km west of Imphal)
Yesagyo (or Yazagyo)
Bhamo (south and east)
Maungdaw (north and south)
Pyinmana (north and west)
Tavoy, Tavoy South & West, and a satellite
Ye-U and Ye-U North
Bhamo (south and east)
Moulmein (regular and seaplane)

"Hove" (at Mardhaibunia? near Cox's Bazaar)
"Rheindeer strip" (south of Chittagong near Hove)
"Ritz" (at Maungdaw)

Akyab, Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Hnon-Taung, Taungup
Yenangyaung Oil Refinery
Kennedy Peak (mountain)
#2 Stockade at Theizang
#3 Stockade at Kalemyo-Kalewa
Taungup (road to)
Mayu Peninsula
Kyaikthin (train attack at)
Kawlin-Mawlu (railway attacks)
Mohnyin-Bongyaung (railway attacks)
Yegyaw (radio station)
"Digging Point 5151", Pt. 4541, Dollaung, Vownala
Myohla, Vownala, Ngape, Liktaik Lake
Palam area-Chin Hills on Manipur River
Pyingaing-Kalewa Road
Manpa on Chindwin R.
Palazawa (Japanese HQ) on Chindwin R.
Fort White

Barge bombings on Chindwin, Pangywin,Kyitha, Kaladan, Naf Rivers
Hpaungzeik Bridge at Kalemyo area
Natkyizin Bridge
and many more...

Thanks for the info mate......there are also lists of airfields and their co-ordinates at Pacific War Airfields Project website

I am nowhere near to starting on these yet....but were there any airfields with hard-standing/hard runways from pre-war time....I imagine most were just scratch built and dirt/mud

I really ought to stop work on this until my Thailand map is completed :oops:

FF, by all means, finish your Thailand map first. Burma can wait til later. I just wanted to give what I have right now so that you can get an idea of some of the places. I have seen the list of airfields on the Pacific War Airfields site and it is helpful. But I doubt you would want to do ALL of the 250 or so airfields listed Tongue The ones I listed are apparently more significant since they are mentioned by the authors in the two books. I might have left a few important ones off the list. (Bassein in the lower Delta comes to mind). You're the one making this so it's all up to you on how much you want to add, or allow others to add later.

As far as I know, there weren't any paved runways and they were all dirt or some maybe gravel at best. There is frequent mention during monsoon seasons of airfields being unusable. Even the Japanese would pull their aircraft back to bases in Thailand and elsewhere because of the monsoons.
I can't recall, but I would guess that the main runway at Chittagong would be like Imphal Main.
Kunming was a gravel surface, correct?
And the USAAF fields in Assam (Dinjan & Tezpur) were probably gravel.

So go ahead and finish Thailand :!: I've come to realize that Thailand saw a lot of action too so that map is equally important. Plus, you've added eastern Burma to that map so that adds a lot more to it as well. Good luck buddy 8)

Now my Thailand map is out...I'm back to working upon this one..

First i am trying to transfer any useful roads and rails from the Thailand map which will show on this one...so as to save a little work Tongue

I shall wait until i am happy with that and with the rivers etc. on map_c ...then i shall cut the map in two halves (or maybe rather overlap them too) ...... and that should enable me to load it into the fullmapTools FMB to start editing roads/rail then towns and other textures

I shall start with the Southern half as that will have had most progress completed

Anyone with good info on airstrips...pix or diagrams etc. please show them here.....

Some stuff

[Image: Kunming.jpg]
According to the book (and visible in colour images) the Taxiways and apron areas were PSP.

[Image: myitkynia.jpg]

[Image: Dalimon-1.jpg]

[Image: burmamarch44.jpg]
The Landing grounds used in the second Chindit campaign inmarch 1944. All Grass/unsealed areas
named "Broadway", "Blackpool" etc.

good stuff...Thanks Zulu Big Grin

The gray swathe on the Kunming chart labelled 192 /012 refers to the VAR beacon aid and inbound courses. Later on this was augmented by a ADF/NDB approach. (Different to the VAR).

There are some colour shots of numerous airfields in the area but all are taken from the ground and just show bits and pieces. no panoramic stuff.

An airfield at Paoshan (now Baoshan). The book states 3000foot Grass strip later crushed gravel.
Position N25 03 11 E99 10 07

[Image: paoshan.jpg]
Dec 1944

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