windnoise when bullets holes in the canopy??

Well as the topic suggets...

Is this possible to achieve? Basically when u get shot and you see bullet holes in the canopy; to have a loud sound of wind as would be the case IRL. This would add immersion IMO. What do you guys think?
Another thing I would like is to hear the pilot breath heavily and loud when pulling high G's. I dont have a clue how easy this would be to model would ne nice though...

Thx to all modders how once again made this game state of the art!!!

I'm not a modder, but I agree with your suggestions. Wind noise would be expected to increase significantly if the canopy/windscreen integrity were compromised. DID's excellent EF2000 and F-22 ADF both had pilot breathing sounds associated with pulling heavy Gs. Another thing they had was the lower body and shoulders of the pilot depicted in-cockpit. These were part of the view when looking down, left or right. Upon ejection, you could look up and see "your" hands on the parachute risers or look down and see your legs dangling. All these things add to the immersion factor, IMHO.

I just saw another thread talking about the possibility of adding pilot bodies to cockpits. Someone brought up an interesting thing that goes hand-in-hand with your bullet holes/wind noise idea...smoke and flames in the cockpit. It might be a real FPS killer and the somewhat primitive damage model might not make it do-able with satisfactory results, but it's a good idea if it could be done.


I totally agree, this would be a great (little?) mod Big Grin



Great idea +3
Thers a such mod for lomac,and its great(talking abt high G "breathing")

I agree entirely +4

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