Exhaust smoke from engines?

I have read many accounts of black exhaust smoke from bombers engines when they go full (emergency?) power to escape fighters.
I imagine it would look similar to a rich mixture at high alt like we have now for some bombers.
Would be a cool mod.


Make it like the jets...when u go to 100% you have exhaust smoke Big Grin. These planes were not EURO IV Tongue.

I think that bombers already have that.....I fly online campaigns in FS and have escorted bombers (Ju88and HE111's) and they get black smoke coming from engines if they go over 83 0r 85 percent throttle at higher alts.

No Badger thats just because they have not adjusted their mixture settings correctly.

OK gotcha, I'm not a bomber pilot so I wouldn't know, except I did call it on the radio when we were flying that I saw them smoking...Thanks good to know....

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