Maybe a new idea ?

I have not been on the site for a while, but has anyone tried or attempted to separate the Bombardier Position from the pilot in the Bombers, this would make awsome coop

Thank you


+1 for that one

Sorry to help you out of the dream - it is NOT a new idea and it's not possible yet.

Just "guessing" here, yet I'd think you almost wound NOT want that unless you could set it up so both the pilot and bombadier had control of the plane. Though I'd guess there were many planes where the bombadier shouted "left, left, left...hold that course" to the pilot, there were others (maybe just heavies) where the bombadier took control of the plane through the run like a co-co-pilots seat.

Not sure which aircraft that would apply to......Yet what happens when it's just you on an aircraft, or the other guy(s) refuse to make the run from either of those two seats.

All just things to consider.


Well i guess what's team speak for? LOL Yea but that just adds to the fun. And i think any 1 that takes a bombardier seat that is not wanted. well i figure you can just kick them...

Well, Thank you for the support

for those not sure what I meant, this is a Bombardier position like any other positions in the bomber except that it would be separated from the pilot. Like in a turret, you can move the plane with the joystick, so I dont think being in a bombardier position would be different. at any rate, once on stab, you can already direct the plane by using your rudder trim.

It would be great in coop and TS. Too bad it cant be done for the moment

again, thank you for looking

I'm not a modder, but anyway... I think what Slow and BillFish tried to explain was, that now you can occupy the turret and fly the plane with joystick - if you are also the pilot of the plane! But if you are not a pilot, only a gunner, you can't control a plane from the turret. Bombardier would need the ability to control the plane from his seat, which means two persons on a plane should have plane-controlling ability.

Anyway, it would be a great idea IMO, fully supported (if doable).

I think German bombers gave rudder controls but nothing else for the bombardier (when at his aiming station), but I am not sure of this.
A bombardier without controls could be perfectly reasonable: British bombardiers instructed the pilot over the intercom with calls of "right", "left-left", "steady", etc ("left-left" was used as the 'left' command to avoid confusion from garbled comms).
Teamspeak is a great tool and everyone should be using it anyway, so it would be perfect for this.

I am not sure what systems were in place for other nations' bombers.

If dual control were to be implemented I think that control switching would be necessary. I.E. - control input is not shared, but can be passed from one player to another by some mechanism or other.

If controls were fully shared, it would be too easy to be at cross-purposes ('bombardier' pilot tries to maintain bomb run while 'pilot' pilot tries to evade fighters, chaos ensues...).

Either method would be hugely complex and a Big Deal for any programmer, let alone the brave souls here at AAA who are working with reverse-engineered code and without the original developers' comments. If anyone decides to take this on I wish them luck!

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