[MOD] NORMANDY MAP 1944 (D Day + 3 weeks)

This map is simply outstanding. The ground textures are almost photo real and add so much immersion to this game. Can't wait until there are some proper campaigns for this map. Brilliant work, many thanks for this. Big Grin

Nice map Rone Smile

Two question though.

1. What are the take-off/landing markers for that are oddly placed at most airfields?

[Image: grab0001-1.jpg]

[Image: grab0000-1.jpg]

2. That a general problem with the Bessarabia textures?

[Image: grab0002-1.jpg]

[quote="Zorin"]Nice map Rone Smile

Two question though.

1. What are the take-off/landing markers for that are oddly placed at most airfields?

if you build your mission with the aircraft placed on the oddly placed markers like this
[Image: 1.jpg]
Then the aircraft will spawn off the runway like this, adds an extra immersive factor and i wish all the map makers would do it.
[Image: 2.jpg]

So that is something to be used for player planes only, right? Or does the AI taxi to the runway for take-off?

hey you guys I had a few questions about this map. Iam new to downloading maps. so i was a little confused as to what I needed to download first. I downloaded the map and then I went to the full mission editor to look at the map and found about 5-6 other maps that did not work and also the D-day map did not load. so does someone know what i am doing wroung? does this map work with 4.08? I really like this map so it would be great if i could get it to work.

When will you upload your 1943 version Rone? Smile

nevermind I Downloaded 4.09 and worked perfectly. I love the way the airfields are set they are munch more realstic. I wish all maps were Like that I love the spawning points they are totaly badass!! and the texturs also looke munch more realstic. This is a very badass map!! keep up the awsome work Smile

gr8 map

supurp grass texture gr8 attention to detail and how gud is that sky then

full marks

this game will never die Tongue

Hi Rone, hi guys,

this Map is awesome ... many thx for it !!

But, could someone help me please:

I build a coop and will use this map, but I can't save it.

I dont know, what I do wrong, has someone a solution for me please?

Many THX in advance...

Problem solved...many THX :wink:


This is one of my favourite maps. Not just because of the textures but for the detailed ground objects too. All those castles, ruins, mansions, mines and industrial areas give it a typical French character.
It must have been a hell of a job to add all these little jewels.
My compliments!
For those who haven't noticed yet, here are some screenshots:

[Image: France02.jpg]

[Image: France03-1.jpg]

[Image: France04.jpg]

[Image: France05.jpg]

[Image: France06.jpg]

[Image: France07.jpg]

[Image: France08.jpg]

[Image: France09.jpg]

[Image: France10.jpg]

[Image: France11.jpg]

[Image: France12.jpg]

[Image: France13.jpg]


Most Definitely, Good job

Now that would be something speclacular!


PLEASE, for the beginners like me : I do Exactly what that it's noticed but nothing works !

Piece of my all.ini :

Kursk Kursk/load.ini
Kyushu Japan1/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_autumn finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_autumn.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_spring finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_Spring.ini
LAL_Kuban Kuban/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Kursk Kursk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Lvov_autumn Lviv/LAL_Lvivautumn.ini
LAL_Moscow_summer Moscow/LAL_sload.ini
LAL_Normandie-44 LALnormandy2/LAL_load2.ini
LAL_Okinawa LAL_Okinawa/load.ini
LAL_Okinawa_OnLine LAL_Okinawa/Online_load.ini
LAL_Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Smolensk Smolensk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Stalingrad_Summer Stgrad/LAL_sload.ini
Lvov Lviv/load.ini
Manchuria Manchuria/load.ini

In the editor, i can find the name of the map but impossible to open, error message !

PLEASE for the beginners, tell us a resume in ORDER, there are posts that call another posts in no linear timeline ! it 's impossible to find the way !!


Thanks for the work

Your all.ini is correct. Check that your Normanie map folder is in the right location. Good luck!

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