How do you add on to Forgotten Battles 1946 the add-ons such as BOE and Barbarossa etc etc.
or do you patch 4,08 complete edition to 4.09???
Noob question but hope theres an answer.
I have both Ultimate edition and 1946 I also have about 5 add-ons purchased.
1) I know I can install the add-ons onto the ultimate edition FB PF and AEP
Can this then be patched to 4.09??
What I also want to do is install add ons such as BOE and Barbarossa onto 1946 and then patch to 4.09
is this possible and how
Yes, just install as if it was the regular 1946. No conflicts with those add-ons.
Installed 4.07 FB 1946 and then all the add-ons worked fine
installed patch 4.09b and it crashed to desktop at 5% loaded
Make sure the patch version is 4.09b1m, the standard one does'nt work with the mods.
moved ....
please post in proper forum section
thanks for the 4.09B!M heads up
and sorry Z still navigating and new!