zip_Alpen_beta + update available!

Waggel: I added a link to rapidshare, look at the first post.

Biggles: Strange. Did you unzip to the right folder? But this error massage is mostly a sign that there is something wrong not with the ....load.ini but with one of the other mapfiles. The error message ist mesleading, the game seems to use the same two or three messags to all errors ;-) So try also to delete the whole folder and download and unzip again. Have also a look at the added line in the all.ini. Is it realy correct? If that doesn't help: What rig do you have? Are other modmaps running?

Fabianfred: The horizontal 200m resolution is always the same at a 1:1 scale map. At 1:2 it is 400 m. I don't think someone ever notiiced that.

Verticall resolution is much higher. Even at 3000 M it is about 60 M, and most areas on the map are much lower. Resolution at 1000 is about 30 M.

I think the mountains are looking great. If you look at them in the FMB from a very short distance, they are not very detailed of course. This is the same always when looking from a very short distance. Even the smaler textures are about400*200 M per tile and the area of 200*200 M will never have a details in the hight. But looking that way is not a gaming situation. Flying in a plane through a conyon looks great in my opinion even at higher locations. And there are many details you may not have noticed yet. Only the highest montains are e little bit clean when flying very near around them. And there are also lower areas bigger then most stock maps all together ;-)

deleted zip_Alpen_beta from my mods/mapmods/maps folder and redownloded your map from the second link. put into my mods/mapmods/maps folder and verified this line is in my all ini file
zip_Alpen zip_Alpen/zip_Alpen_load.ini but still have the same error.

Cpt_Biggles Wrote:when i try to open in FMB i get the following error

section [Map2D] not found in maps/zip Alpen/zip Alpen load.ini
Same here

Hm. I'm a little helpless here, that never occured before. If the error message appears very fast after starting the loading of the map, that indicates a problem with the zip_alpen_load.ini indeed. You may try to delete in the map2D-sction one or two of the entrys (There must be only one of the three).

If this doesn't help i have to think it over or may be one of the computer wizzards around here can help. Map was testet only with nVidia 8800 Gtx, 8800 Gts (G92) and 7600 GS with 1,5 GB memory or more. I don't believe it is a question of the rig, but what is yours?

I had the same problem, but then I created a new folder named "zip_Alpen" and I copied an zip_alps_load.ini and put it into there, then it worked.

I hope it will work because this map worth it Big Grin


Thank you, Donald, that made it clear. It is my fault. I named the ziped folder "" But it must be unzipped to a folder ....\maps\mapmods\zip_Alpen" without the "beta", because the line in the all.ini tells the game to look to a folder ...\zip_Alpen.

So just rename the "zip_alpen_beta" folder to "zip_Alpen" and it should work,

I' sorry for that.

Myself i created the following map and unzipped everything inthere: ...MODS/MAPMODS/maps/zip_Alpen
for your information:
With my system (Pentium 4, 2 Gig Ram) i had to wait more than 1 minute at the "23% loading static objects" and 2 minute to get in the cocpit. FPS was good though
very nice mountains as well, but a bit too big for my system i guess


Very nicely populated towns and villages! And generally very nice landscape variation Big Grin

I've been changing the mount textures a bit, a quick one (it is very hard to find good texture blends):

Mount1 = land/summer/rom_mount01.tga
Mount2 = land/summer/rom_mount01.tga,2
Mount3 = Italy_DF/land/summer/mount_top2.tga,2

In case you missed it, a very useful overview of all textures is here:

(The link is inoperative)

About the memory crash, I think it's due to the huge number of objects (I think it beats by far any existing map). Maybe splitting the map in 2 would cure it.
It's interesting: the memory crash doesn't occur all the time, but mostly when the flight time is bigger (at least this is my experience).

Tigertooo, a pentium 4? An early model at least? It would be wonder if the games runs at all. Loading time at an old AMD Athlon at 1,6 GHz with 1,5 DDR2 300 ram and even older disks was about a minute. The game can't be played with that with sufficient adjustments. At best adjustments even the best todays hardware comes to its limits.

Loading time at my Penryn 3 GHz is about 30 seconds.

I made the expierence that the total number of objects and also the size of a map do not effect the framerate at all. It comes all to the number of objects (and may be the number and kind of textures) in sight.

Nevertheless due to the memory error and unsufficient framerates over the biggest towns i have to reduce the numer of objects in some areas dramatacally. But allone the clearing of the streets and rails will bring about 3 % less objects, alone that is abount 70.000 objects lesser ;-)

Lowfighter: Wow, especially the mount3 texture is much better, many thanks. There is such a lot of textures, seems i missed these.

A memory error when flying? I hope not, just when zooming in the FMB at M

Crash is not happening during flight, see KDN first post for that. I expect it will crash in game too if you add too many planes, objects etc in the mission (experience with other maps).

(I've been away these days and when i came back to civilized world i was happy to see your beta!)

Lowfighter: Wow, especially the mount3 texture is much better, many thanks. There is such a lot of textures, seems i missed these.

A memory error when flying? I hope not, just when zooming in the FMB at M

thanks zipzap, understood

Well the crash still happens exactly as before, see my post above. Nevertheless, running a mission on the server with two clients connected and 37 planes, 36 actively involved in a fight, for 20 min, NO CRASH! We run the same mission 3 times with same good results. Server only has 1gb of ram, a GForce 7800GS and P4 3ghz CPU. Of course, the server is not participating and only runs on minimal windowed visuals.

I also get the crash in FMB over Muenchen.
Note: Update has been installed in PCs
Still a good looking environment. No doubt there.

Thank you ZippZapp, it works

Wooow, what a big map! Confusedhock:

zipzapp Wrote:Thank you, Donald, that made it clear. It is my fault. I named the ziped folder "" But it must be unzipped to a folder ....\maps\mapmods\zip_Alpen" without the "beta", because the line in the all.ini tells the game to look to a folder ...\zip_Alpen.

So just rename the "zip_alpen_beta" folder to "zip_Alpen" and it should work,

I' sorry for that.

that did the trick, cheers.

Maybe in time some of the castles could be incorporated? Here's a very nice and comprehensive site with photos of Swiss castles:

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