Northern Atlantis Islands (Marianas) [WIP]

Howdy all,
I chose the Marianas as my first experiment for modding maps. I have already changed all the names of the Islands, towns, Mtns, etc. I even have my first completed airbase of my own design. I have used items from this great site to give my impression of Atlantis before and during WWII.

Later on I might tackle something real. But for now this is a learn-as-you-go-hope-not-to-screwup Project!

I have built many airbases and airfields in the past for my own enjoyment, (using the standard, non-editing FMB) but this is the first time I have total control over the entire design and this is way cool!

Of course I have many questions as a newbie Map maker, so bear with me and any and all help is MUCH appreciated! Big Grin

1. How do I rename the files to call it...well Atlantis and have it's own slot in the list? I tried searching this site, but the more I do the worse off I get trying to find exactly what I'm looking for. It sure would be a God-send if one of you pros made a step-by-step tutorial that shows how to do this.

2. How do you use the Height functions in FMB? I see Peak and two others I can't remember. I know about the third mouse button, but nothing happens. I assumed this will change the topographic elevations of the map? I'd love to change this if I can!

Here is the Main Airbase in the area called Alexandria_Airbase on what was called Guam. Like the original maps, I decided not to add everything in sight as to give the end user some latitude in creativity.

So anyone out there willing to help me out here I'd appreciate that!

[Image: Airbase_Main_01.jpg]

And this is one of my skins for the I-153bis in Pre-war markings participating in Air games against the visiting Italians.

[Image: RAtAF_15a.jpg]

Jadehawk Wrote:Howdy all,
I chose the Marianas as my first experiment for modding maps. I have already changed all the names of the Islands, towns, Mtns, etc. I even have my first completed airbase of my own design. I have used items from this great site to give my impression of Atlantis before and during WWII.

Later on I might tackle something real. But for now this is a learn-as-you-go-hope-not-to-screwup Project!

I have built many airbases and airfields in the past for my own enjoyment, (using the standard, non-editing FMB) but this is the first time I have total control over the entire design and this is way cool!

Of course I have many questions as a newbie Map maker, so bear with me and any and all help is MUCH appreciated! Big Grin

1. How do I rename the files to call it...well Atlantis and have it's own slot in the list? I tried searching this site, but the more I do the worse off I get trying to find exactly what I'm looking for. It sure would be a God-send if one of you pros made a step-by-step tutorial that shows how to do this.

2. How do you use the Height functions in FMB? I see Peak and two others I can't remember. I know about the third mouse button, but nothing happens. I assumed this will change the topographic elevations of the map? I'd love to change this if I can!

You must already have a folder for this map in the il2/maps that you can save your work....and the marianas folder in the MODS/MAPMODS/maps folder which loads into the FMB

so...make a copy of the marianas folders in both locations and rename to Atlantis...then add this to the all.ini file in thye MAPMODS/maps folder...

Atlantis Atlantis/load.ini

to use the Height....I mainly use the Blur one to 'pull-down' the edges of the land where it meets the water...or to smooth an area to place an airstrip....
select Blur and a red dot will appear ...right click and choose 9 blocks(pixels) and the single dot will change to a box of 9x9 dots.... then press 'enter' and go into 3D view..... use the mouse wheel to raise or lower the area

same should work with the Peek and other one

First off, thank you fabianfred for responding to my post! It's much appreciated!
I was able to use the Height feature as you mentioned and I'm happy with that!

I did try what you suggested for copying the files and renaming them in both the MAPS folder and the MODMAPS folder as well. While it does show up in the list in FMB, when I click on it. nothing happens. I get this error message when I try:

section [MAP2D] not found in 'maps/Atlantis/load.ini

I renamed them and placed each copy in the folders as you suggested and also the code line you said to add in the all.ini file. Am I missing something?

Again, thanks for your generous help! Smile

Very nice dragon on the I-153 :-)

LOL thanks!
This aircraft is a I-153 from the Royal Atlantis Airforce 2nd Fighter Regiment, A Squadron. The 2nd Air Regiment is known at the Queen's Own Royal Dragons and all the 2nd Air Regiment aircraft carry the Queen's Black Dragon.
So far, I got three Fighter Regiments with each Fighter Regiment consisting of 64 aircraft and that's just the Army portion! Never mind the Naval air arm! Confusedhock:

Oh and I figured out what I had to do to get my Atlantis in it's own slot now! Had to extract the missing files I needed so I'm a happy camper now. Wink

It's gonna be called the Atlantis Northern Islands and someday I'll create Atlantis Main Island once I get a handle on all this.

Thanks again all! and stay tuned for more questions! Wink

Well things are picking up for me on this!

Here are two shots of Alexandria Airbase and one of Mount Relichu I created. I really changed the topographic area to suit my needs. It's totally fun to change maps and create something new!

Please by all means add your comments, both good and bad as I really wish to have your input. I will do more when I get more progress done. Big Grin

[Image: Alexanderia_AB_01.jpg]

[Image: Alexanderia_AB_02.jpg]

[Image: Alexanderia_AB_03.jpg]

It looks like you are having fun, looking forward to your finished project.
Please include some missions for it.
(really like that skin.)

I'm well on my way in creating the Northern outer Islands for Atlantis now that I got the basics down, Many thanks to everyone who posted here with help! You guys ROCK!

Now, here is the final look of Mount Relichu which I'm now satisfied with. Mount Relichu resides on the main island of Anderson in the Northern chain. I have about 60% completed with re-terraforming the landscape of this island that started out as Guam. All towns, points, bays, etc have been renamed. Nothing is left from the Marianas map other than some airfields for now.

[Image: MountRelichu.jpg]

[Image: RAtAF_22.jpg]

and some more...

[Image: MountRelichu_4.jpg]

[Image: MountRelichu_3.jpg]

[Image: MountRelichu_2.jpg]

Big Grin

wow very nice Jadehawk. it looks awesome, and the skin too. Any plans on releasing it?

Wow - That looks great!

Hawk Wrote:wow very nice Jadehawk. it looks awesome, and the skin too. Any plans on releasing it?

Yes I got plans to release these and the other ones. So far, 64 skins for just the I-153 in Atlantian markings. You'll get A, B, C and D Squadrons which is the entire 2nd Fighter Regiment. Smile

I'll post some of the other Squadrons soon Smile

Yes on missions, but wont be other than a few as I want the community to have fun doing these as well. Smile I may include a story line so ya'll got a baseline to go by. But not sure right now as just getting the islands changed is work enough! Smile

oh fantastic! Smile keep up the good work, im realy looking forward too it

My first thought after looking at those screens was when is someone going to do Iwo Jima justice and have a proper Mt. Suribachi?

Can you write now, or soon this storyline of your project? It's interesting idea: your Atlantis grow up from ancient nation, or has been colonisated in modern ages, what "kingdom" does in I World War, and other questions...

I'm back Smile

2 screenies of A Squadron and you can see the Bravenham Castle which is still a WIP. I also need to refine the topographic area some as it's still kinda rough. But the good news is I'm completed with Terra forming the First Island! WHEW! Four more Islands to go! Confusedhock:

Now I just need to add some buildings in the towns then equip the Airfields some. B and D Squadron I'll do soon as well. Plus some Ju-52 Seaplanes, C-47's and who knows what else needs to be skinned.
Plus since we may get a Sea Gladiator, I will make some Naval skins for this to go on the 2 Atlantis CV's The ARNS King William II and ARNS New Brittany. Now keep in mind, this part is a maybe. My focus is on the Atlantis Royal Airforce currently. :wink:

[Image: RAtAF_24.jpg]

[Image: RAtAF_25.jpg]

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