Accurate Ardennes

If this has already been mentioned I apologise, however I see a deep need for a topographically and geographically accurate map of the Ardennes region. As those of you who study history will know, the IL2 Ardennes map little resembles the actual area in layout, topography or climactic conditions.
Not to disparage Mr Maddox or his compatriots - the Ardennes map has been the site of many entertaining hours, but I want more. When I saw the wonderful topography of the Bessarabia and Slovakia maps and the historically modelled Slot and Channel 40 maps, it ignitied a desire for a real tough Ardennes map.
If the scale fits, it could include the other important areas such as the Scheldt Estuary, the Rhineland campaign, the Saarland campaign, Huertgen forest, Arnhem, Aachen and so on depending on the scale modelled. This map area would parrallel nicely with the Tiffy releases.
If maps were done for both 1940 and 1944-45, in Summer, Spring/Fall, and Winter liveries, several different campaigns could be covered.

Dambusters anyone???

von Kopfdorfer

Asheshouse covers this area quite accurately on his BOF map.

[Image: sig2.gif]

Actually Skunkmeister, his map doesn't quite reach far enough east for the whole deal.
Ideally, in my opinion, such a map should include Aachen, Huertgen forest, and the Saarland to make it truly inclusive and representative of all the developments from start to end, and to include some German Airfields as well.
I must add, though that I can't wait for the next stages of Asheshouse's Map, it is going to be a beauty. I just have to pray that my little Athlon 2500 can suck it up and deal with it.

von Kopfdorfer

I did some work on the current Ardennes winter map which is available on this site. I would have to agree that I think Asheshouse' work is the way to go. While I corrected a lot of problems on the current map, I could not see the point in duplicating something that was already so far underway. The WIP looks outstanding, and without equal. Variations on that map, when complete, will no doubt be made to cover seasons and time periods.

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