Curved roads, railways and forest lines - alteration MOD's?

Hi all.

I like the new maps and objects under WIP sooo much - very nice work and an extension of the game, worth waiting for (take Ur time, MOD'ers, we gladely wait for Ur most excellent work).

One thing that have struck me though, is the square edges and corners of roads, railways and forest lines among many other things (default in the game).
- Can this be altered by a MOD or two (would increase the visual realism to a higher level)?

One other thing is that city maps have to have more trees covering some of the city structures - take any aerial picture of a large city and see the many green spots (trees covering houses and roads).
- Could U map MOD'ers also consider this as a possible implement on maps?
- Or does this conflict with the amount of objects on a map?

One last thing, that have bothered me since the PF extension of the game.
The city templates have to be remodelled, cause they are not very good looking.
- Is it possible to alter these and is there any MOD'er here ready to take up this huge task?


I doubt whether it would be possible to mod the existing angular road and rail layout.
The input data which defines these is an image file (map_T) with the pixels representing 200m squares.

Not sure what you mean about re-modelling the city templates.
This has already been done to a great extent -- starting with the non-mod Slovakia map and continuing with many of the mod maps ---- but this will always be a balance with achieving realistic FPS rates. Too many objects on screen at once makes the action stutter.

You will always need to trade off realism with playability.

On the Battle of France map I have sacrificed trees and walls in cities in exchange for the city being able to spread over a wider area. Its not possible to have both without FPS problems.


Thx for Ur fast reply (think I've got it, though I hoped for another answer!)...


For me also, the innatural angles of change directions in all roads ant rails are a big aesthetic disturb
and the bigger lack of realism in a however magnificent simulator. Same time ago i have urged samebody on this forum to analyze this problem but nobody have replied. May be that the solution is to hard or people is not so sensible at panorama in flight. Cry :roll:

look guys , this is enlarged pic to show what determines roads and rails in the game , roads/rails must be represented by 1pixl squares ( remember 1pix = 200 meters) .... so how do you expect better curved roads ...

light gray = roads
darker gray = rail
[Image: map_t.jpg]

its not that request has been ignored .... it just can be done


After doing some map making and observing the way roads are generated on the IL-2 game engine the roads are what they are. The resolution of the of the map geometry and the resolution of the maps used to create roads will not allow curved roads without completely rewriting the game engine. I think Oleg is working on this at the moment and he'll call it SOW. :lol:

Yah... not sure if anyone remembers the old board games by a company named Avalon Hill (and others similar). They'd have you reenact a battle like Gettysburg, Waterloo, etc, and the board was always based on hexes. At the time it was easier to organize 'zones of control' and have the variety of movement/influence. I had imagined that was why there was some geographic limitation to the way roads went, while rivers typically being wider had more flexibility.

I'd imagined that just maybe working at 200 or 300 percent may have a bearing on the outcome somehow, but no matter how big- when you reduce it down to the size to match the other map files, 4 pixels are still going to look like 4 pixels :?

Thanks for the explanation Zo Smile


Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

stanislao Wrote:Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

yes , he will be remembered maker of SoW Bob, cos you need new game engine for that . Also having curved roads means having curved waypoints for vehicles ....


stanislao Wrote:Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

I don't think it's resolvable at all. It's all to do with how the game assigns roads - they're RGB pixel values and therefore are mapped to pixel size.

canonuk Wrote:
stanislao Wrote:Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

I don't think it's resolvable at all. It's all to do with how the game assigns roads - they're RGB pixel values and therefore are mapped to pixel size.

I think it is. Ever heard of a Lagrange approximation? Roads can be rendered on adjecet tiles, no reason why they have to rendered on the tiles that define them.

Redwulf__32 Wrote:
canonuk Wrote:
stanislao Wrote:Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

I don't think it's resolvable at all. It's all to do with how the game assigns roads - they're RGB pixel values and therefore are mapped to pixel size.

I think it is. Ever heard of a Lagrange approximation? Roads can be rendered on adjecet tiles, no reason why they have to rendered on the tiles that define them.

maybe cos of vehicles way-points/routes ..... :wink:


fly_zo Wrote:
Redwulf__32 Wrote:
canonuk Wrote:
stanislao Wrote:Cry Thank to fly_ZO and 2 bits for the explanation, certain it will be an hard challenge for whoever ..but i am absolutly sure that who resolve this problem will be the more remembered between all artists of this simulator.

I don't think it's resolvable at all. It's all to do with how the game assigns roads - they're RGB pixel values and therefore are mapped to pixel size.

I think it is. Ever heard of a Lagrange approximation? Roads can be rendered on adjecet tiles, no reason why they have to rendered on the tiles that define them.

maybe cos of vehicles way-points/routes ..... :wink:


Well....if you know where the roads are rendered then you know where to put the waypoints, don't you. Note that vehicle waypoints already "snap" to roads, why couldn't they snap to where the roads are/will be rendered?

What if a mod could be made that increases the resolution of the tga maps that the terrain engine can read? Say, from 200 meter pixels, down to 50, or even 10? I know that we would then be dealing with some seriously big image files for making maps, but just allowing the game to read a higher resolution image would seem like a reasonable way to allow for more detailed maps (and roads), without necssarily changing how the game itself operates?

Redwulf__32 Wrote:Well....if you know where the roads are rendered then you know where to put the waypoints, don't you. Note that vehicle waypoints already "snap" to roads, why couldn't they snap to where the roads are/will be rendered?

because you need only one way point for vehicle to turn ( on present maps) ... if you'd have rounded curves every vehicle would need several waypoints just to make a turn ( game generates waypoints as vehicle snaps to road ).... big FPS ( CPU) killer


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