Moving ships in inland water... is it still not possible

Moving ships in inland water... is it possible with mods?

In many of the maps the cities are located on the rivers and water. Anyone would know the water was a major way to transport from looking at the map.

AFAIK you used to be able to put them in by editing the mission file......don't know if that works with the new maps and mountain lakes though

Although mountain lakes are usuable by seaplanes, I still cannot get a ship moving on any of my mountain lakes... perhaps a mission making guru would know a trick or two...

This is one of those things we need. When you have large inland cities on waterways. Anyone knows that the waterways are major transportation in those areas. I remember building missions and putting stationary gunboats that shoot back around those areas, which for the most part did help.

This is not a limitations of the ships, but is instead a case of the FMB being too helpful by half.

Perhaps this could be a change to FMB+


Needs investigating what determines this, and similarly what determines minimum distance from seashore where you can still have ship waypoints. But i noticed that in some FEW places on the default maps you can have waypoints very close to shore. So I suspect it's something which has to do either with the water/coastline region spread on map_T or with map_c. Have you noticed that on all maps the water/coastline region is quite broad? Not sure why...

I think you need to have water set to RGB 0 on map_c

There are small parts of the Berlin map where you can move ships, but only where the water is wider.

u could just do it in the .mis files if yoou know the corredt numbers

But even altering the mis files doesn't always work......

the Pearl harbor mission is one example....I tried to have the Nevada leave its moorings in battleship row...but the mission would always have it in another place, away from Ford Island

....and yet sometimes you can get a ship to plow through dry land :roll:

... no go for ships .... even static ones looking funny when placed on water that is higher than sea level .... like they stand above water , and when destroyed you can see them whole in vertical position ...

sorry ,


There was a post about this at Ubizoo recently.

Seems if you enter static ships where you want the waypoints and edit in notepad.

I find the best way is to use plane waypoints and use them to replace the ship's waypoints. The game itself doesn't seem to care where the ships go (even on land), just FMB.

Hi Guys,

Pardon if this is technically unintelligent.
I mentioned this in another thread a while back. What about adding a new characteristic to ALL ship objects, mobile and static, : draft. Your categories could be for instance as simple as :
a. Shallow : for landing craft, small fishing vessels, MTBs, barges, Dukws, Buffaloes and flying boats (and torpedos)
and would include coastal waters, all rivers and lakes - until the vessel hit the beach/shore
b. Normal : for (surfaced) subs, coastal vessels, tankers/freighters, destroyers and would be designated by distance from shore as it is already done - though ideally the distance from shore value would be adjusted
c. Deep : for AC Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers
would essentially keep the current characteristics.
I think you already deal with a graphic depth component for water in mapmaking if I'm not mistaken; might it not be possible to marry the depth characteristic to this?

(Alternately, people creating ship mods could be required to include vessel draft in ft/m where possible both for loaded and empty )

Just a thought

von Kopfdorfer



You can set moving ships on the lakes of my Alpen map, bu unfortunally they think to be submarines and are allways at height "0". Didn't test the real submarines yet ;-)

You avoid the hovering static ships when setting water = 1 in the conf.ini. You may use my award-winning Il46_Wswitcher.exe ("Most usefull programm ever" etc.) for that ;-)

As i suggested, someone should change the surface layer of the water = 2 to water = 4 (it's allways at hight "0") and also the ships compulsion neurosis.

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