BumpH images creation/manipulation?

I created some BumpH image for a texture by simply converting the original texture to grayscale then renaming to bumph. My question though: after converting to grayscale are there any processing rules (changing luminosity etc) which would give the best results (or i just have to experiment by trial and error)? (for who doesn't know, The bumpH texture adds sort of 3D illusion to the original "flat" colored texture)

How are the "bumph" textures applied. Do we chain those next to the appropriate texture assigned in the load.ini or do they take up a grayscale value? Do you know which map load.ini I can look to for reference?

I have a couple areas on my MiddleEast map that could use this feature.



2bits, in load ini only the chief RGB textures are listed, for example
The game looks for this file and AUTOMATICALLY looks if there exists a file called sk_lowland0.bumpH (also looks if there exists a file called sk_lowland0.tgb). If it exists it will use it together with sk_lowland0.tga (and or tgb). If it doesn't exist, well then the game will just use what it has namely the tga and tgb files.

That's good. Thanks lowfighter.


Quote:(or i just have to experiment by trial and error)?

Yeah, pretty much.

Although a sharper contrast will yield a more dramatic effect it seems.

Cheers, Neil Smile

Thanks Neil!

What do the tgb textures do?

If there's a tgb than the game uses that image instead of the tga. If you extracted the map textures you'll notice that most of textures have both a tga and a tgb, and always the tgb is higher size (higher resolution) than the tga. I suspect the tga is used with lower lanscape detail setting. Now if there's only a tga and no tgb, the game will use that one. But I forgot to use the phrase "I believe" here, so the best is if you can test it yourself...

maybe the tgb is for when you are closer to the ground ...like when landing and t/o... more detailed

Fred, I thought so too but pretty long time ago I wanted to modify one industrial texture (factory.tga). So I modified it, went to game and saw no change relative to original. Then I thought maybe since i modified only the tga and the tgb is unchanged and it's bigger size, maybe then the tgb represents the long sighting distance texture, so maybe I see the difference if I increase the sighting distance. but nothing changed...However when I changed afterwards the corresponding tgb then the result was immediately visible in game.

I would guess that the *.tga is used in conjuntion the following conf.ini entries to help with vid card compatibility.


I would assume by setting these to "0" would force the game to use the *.tga's rather than the larger *.tgb's

Cheers, Neil Smile

Yes, I think too this must be it...

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