21.09.2008, 12:00
What about an expanded Balaton map, covering the capital, Budapest too?
Tigre_dos_Pampas Wrote:A North Europe map in 1/3 or 1/4 scale for the "mighty eight" B-17's or RAF Lancasters bombing campaigns would be a nice addition... Taking off a B-17 from Duxford to bomb ball-bearing installations in Schweinfurt, facing deadly 88 mm Flak cannons in Himmelbett line and Bf 109's from the "Defence of the Reich" will be awesome.
I/JG27_Waggel Wrote:I do not like this 1/3 or 1/2 map style. I prefer 1/1.
A lot of maps are very big but only in 1/2. Perhaps a Calais Dover map in 1/1 whould be good. Little Dogfight Maps with 150 x 150 km or 200 x 200 km.
On the other handside you can make 1/1 strategical bomber maps (reduced objects). NW germany and coast of SE britian whould be nice. Cites like hamburg or bremen need no population with objects. They whould kill the fps rate on a big map (we saw it on the Alpen beta map). When you make an attack with bombers in alt 70 you need not to see any house.
With all those maps (and new planes) you could create a dedicated online war (39-45) at the western front based on unified mod installer and protected with crt2.
MrOblongo Wrote:We need a proper Italy map (maps).
Biggest problem is exactly what i posted above. For a 100% usefull southern Italy map it would need to have the bases in the African coast and Sicily. And for a 100% usefull map it would need to have a big portion of Italy itself for proper bases.
reflected Wrote:What about an expanded Balaton map, covering the capital, Budapest too?