What remaining maps need to be made?

What about an expanded Balaton map, covering the capital, Budapest too?

[Image: 00104kp7.jpg]

I think an ETO (Europe Theater of Operation) map....with the four seasons...will be cool for the 8TH Air Force long escort fanatics....Something with England East Coast in the left up corner to Vienna in the right down corner....Maybe one day.....

sorry for my english...I m french....


Tigre_dos_Pampas Wrote:A North Europe map in 1/3 or 1/4 scale for the "mighty eight" B-17's or RAF Lancasters bombing campaigns would be a nice addition... Taking off a B-17 from Duxford to bomb ball-bearing installations in Schweinfurt, facing deadly 88 mm Flak cannons in Himmelbett line and Bf 109's from the "Defence of the Reich" will be awesome.

you damn right.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I/JG27_Waggel Wrote:I do not like this 1/3 or 1/2 map style. I prefer 1/1.

A lot of maps are very big but only in 1/2. Perhaps a Calais Dover map in 1/1 whould be good. Little Dogfight Maps with 150 x 150 km or 200 x 200 km.

On the other handside you can make 1/1 strategical bomber maps (reduced objects). NW germany and coast of SE britian whould be nice. Cites like hamburg or bremen need no population with objects. They whould kill the fps rate on a big map (we saw it on the Alpen beta map). When you make an attack with bombers in alt 70 you need not to see any house.

With all those maps (and new planes) you could create a dedicated online war (39-45) at the western front based on unified mod installer and protected with crt2.

you damn right too.......!!!!!!!!!!
But for escort fighters or German fighters details at low altitude could be nice....
And don 't forget seasons....

We need a proper Italy map (maps).

The Incredible Zip_Alpen map provides some of the Northen Area, problem is that historically the allied operated from more south to reach the areas we have in that great map.

We also have the 1:2 mediterranean map for the southern part of Italy.

So, at the moment theres no 1:1 or 3:4 map of Italy.

Biggest problem is exactly what i posted above. For a 100% usefull southern Italy map it would need to have the bases in the African coast and Sicily. And for a 100% usefull map it would need to have a big portion of Italy itself for proper bases.

I came up with this after looking the Senta Pua (Brazilian Squad operating P47s in Italy) website, it have a detailed mission to mission information (best ive seen ever!). But cant recreate those flights with the maps that we actually have.

Anyway, just my toughts.

I would like Holland-Belgium-Germany arrea for doing may 1940...

What about Orkney Isl., Scapa Flow?

MrOblongo Wrote:We need a proper Italy map (maps).

Biggest problem is exactly what i posted above. For a 100% usefull southern Italy map it would need to have the bases in the African coast and Sicily. And for a 100% usefull map it would need to have a big portion of Italy itself for proper bases.

My MTO map which is well underway will have all the bases in Sicily, Sardinia and the African coast, and all of Italy up to just below Rome.

For what it's worth I totally agree with Reflected that a more complete and coherent map of the Lake Balaton region is warranted. I always had a problem with the area the FB gang chose to build, feeling that it left out some very pertinent terrain and operationally important areas. The terrain created is very obviously budding spring or summer, and the key battles around Balaton in 1944 were in fact from March on, and characterized by mud, soggy fields bogging down AFVs that left the road, and precipitation often changing a couple times in a given day between snow, sleet and rain. The initial German movement in 1944 was to capture the stepping off point for "Operation Spring Awakening", and major battles were initially fought in the Gran river bridgehead, east of the FB map. Including Budapest would be super as well. The green outline in Reflected's graphic seems a good starting point.

Hear, Hear


reflected Wrote:What about an expanded Balaton map, covering the capital, Budapest too?

[Image: 00104kp7.jpg]

Fairly easy to do step by step.

Step 1

Take all the *.tga files and enlarge the image to north and east by multiple of 8 pixels for map_T, multiple of 32 pixels for map_c --- Don't expand the map west and south. Keep the Southwest corner fixed.

Step 2

Extract the existing actors with mapsize.txt set to old map y value

Step 3

Recompile actors with mapsize.txt set to new map y value
There is no need to "shift" the actors because the map origin has not moved.

Thats it -- You should now have a new Balaton map with a bigger landscape area which will now appear in FMB Map Editor ----- so now extend all the rivers in map_c and start building Budapest.
The new area will all be flat, but map_h stuff can be added later.

We need Creta. 1on1

I prefer the maps where airforce battles occured.

Marshall Islands even if broken up into several map segments. Many JNAF airfields on these islands.
Many early 1942 carrier raids against many of these islands through the capture of these island through 1944.

Also a map that includes the southern most Marshall Islands and the Gilbert Islands. JNAF fighters could engage US Invasion fleet at Tarawa and when Betio AF was secure USAAF P-40's had the range to hit the these same JNAF airfields in the southern M. I.


Anyone for Montecattini in Italy?

I have to say the Philippines Map should be revamp. Instead of trees, it should be coconut trees. Every where I have been in te Philippines, it is mostly coconut trees. Sure there are a few other type of trees.
The biggest thing is this:
Air Fields that should be in the Map.
On Luzon you left the runways off :
Clark Air Field
Aparri 1&2 Air Fields
Nichols Air Field
Zamblan (correct spelling is Zablan) Air Fields.
For Air Fields left off the Map
Cebu and Lapu-Lapu, there was a Japanese Air Base in the center of Cebu (Lahug AF) and an Air Base next to Lapu-Lapu (Opon). These are important Air Bases that should have been included in the Map.
Mindanao Island:
Del Monte, this is the Air Field that was used to fly Gen. MacArthur out of the Philippines Islands.
Davao: You have 1 AF there, there was also Davao 2 AF.
Zamoanga: You have an AF there, but no runways , the VMF 115 Squadron was station there in 1945.
Tacloban AF should be a made a little bit bigger because the 43rd BG which flew B-24 off from that AF in the begaining. Plus San Pablo and Bayug AF should be added to Leyte Island.

Also there was no Japanese or American Sea Plane Base on Dinagat Island or in Cagayan de Oro.
I have talk to the older people there and they do not remember any Sea Plane Bases there

Here is my source of information:
http://www.pacificwrecks.com/airfields/ ... index.html

This would bring this great and wonderful map up being very near Historical, and would be great for Philippines Campgains.

New Celedonia
Indian Ocean Raid stuff.

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