[Mod] New Fire/explosion textures *now with mediafire link*

Hi all, just thought I'd share this simple mod with you. simply extract to your mods folder to use. here's some screens:

[Image: grab0001-1.jpg]

[Image: grab0006.jpg]

[Image: grab0007.jpg]

[Image: grab0008.jpg]

[Image: grab0009.jpg]

[Image: grab0010.jpg]

[Image: grab0011.jpg]

and here's the link:

http://files.filefront.com/Jaypack44+NE ... einfo.html


hope you like it!

*edit- compatibility- this should work fine with 3rdeye's smoke mod, it will not cause lag online, since it's only new textures, and I don't know about Stuka's mod, because I haven't seen or heard of it.

If you have any mods that use the files firemkII.tga and firemkIIV.tga, there will be a conflict, as these are the texture files used. you will have to either delete, overwrite, or rename the existing files to work.

and, if someone could post some screens with the smoke mod, I would really like to see what that looks like... Smile

comments/suggestions/criticism, etc are all welcome.

Looking good!

Does it cause lag in online servers like smokemod?

_-JARMOPOWER-_ Wrote:Does it cause lag in online servers like smokemod?

I think he only changed the textures a little bit, didn't increase density nor anything like that, in my opinion it won't change the performance in-game.

will there be any conflict with Stuka_40's explosion mod?

They look great, Jaypack. Will give them a try. Smile

Awesome textures !!! ...but link doesn't work for me Cry

AschenpuTTel Wrote:Awesome textures !!! ...but link doesn't work for me Cry
Dont work for me either Sad

great work!!!!! thx for this


Looks good Jaypack, have downloaded and will give it a try after work Smile

.......... link doesn't work for me too ......... Sad

Sometimes FILEFRONT has no more servers and you can

I presume there's a way to combine it with 3rdeye's smoke mod... I'll give it a go, it looks really good!

I also hope someone could combine it with 3rdeyes mod

3rds Smoke and these flames match perfect together

and then the cool new ground explosions from "the burning houses new explosions" mod ( dont know the real name)

Oooh, looks good man. Will try.

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