[WIP MOD] Me-262 V3 (Prototype, tailsitter!)

Come on, stay on topic lads :wink:

@ Wolf:
maybe the canopy needs a texture change but I have the idea it's still the Bubble style 262 pit mate, not like the 262V-1/2

Please, beta whit new slot... :wink: :wink:

I have one question,

is it in the works that the main gear is moved bout one spar forward?
I have read during the thread about "shortening" the gear... it actually was not shorter but placed more to the front, about one spar.
the screenshot I see has the original position nose gear type which makes the plane too steep.

see these pics, you can see the different position in respect to the engine gondola and cockpit:
[Image: qwbmimcndx.jpg]
[Image: bfcgvgznan.jpg]

you can also see the different canopy framing.

and this leads to the note that the current tail wheel position is too far back, coming from the angle being too steep.

corresponds with the information from smith/creek "Me-262" volume 1-4, the 262 bible for what it is worth.

mmielli Wrote:Please, beta whit new slot... :wink: :wink:
Mine already has :wink:

I think you don't need a beta with new slot. It has it's own flight model in the real version - wait for that mate :wink:

I'll see about the gear btw. The canopy strutting is a texture thing.

I've been messing around with this trying to find ways to buff out the procedures for takeoff and landing and here is what I came up with:

Full up elevator trim for takeoff and landing

on landing be sure to land very fast and nose high with an extremely high speed and perfectly level wings, full flaps of course,this thing approaches very low,land with a very low rate of decent and dont be afraid to go to full power if you fear landing before the runway

on takeoff use takeoff flaps and be sure to hold back on the stick at all times, once your tailwheel comes up keep your hand steady continuing to apply back pressure on the stick, this thing doesn't have a half bad initial rate of climb, but avoid control movements and other operations until clear of the runway

heres another tip to make taxiing easier, dont use rudder, use differential thrust to turn on the ground

hope this helps-----109dude

slow, please check your PM Smile

Vampire, can you resend please?

PS. I am a bit busy with doing other things so the modding is a bit on a hold, sorry chaps :roll:

Thanks Vamp :wink:

Oh chaps, got myself together, planning to finish the model this weekend (looking at the gears :wink: ).

Please, don

not a bad skin but not correct.

coloring was diffrent and it was mottled on the sides.
here are photos
http://www.suchoj.com/andere/Me-262/ima ... -V3_13.jpg
http://www.luftarchiv.de/index.htm?/flu ... /me262.htm

slow, are you changing weapons too or not?
no 4x30mm but 3x20mm?

Slow has another skin with mottling on the sides which is one of the correct ones. If you look around you will see that the skin that I have made in some really early pictures.


Confusedhock: Confusedhock: LOOK NO DIFFERENT STRUTTING NEEDED Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
[Image: ME06.jpg]

you are talking abot the canopy, right?
well, in this particular pic you can't see a thing, just that it opens like the series-version. check this one:
http://www.suchoj.com/andere/Me-262/ima ... -V3_13.jpg

the major difference is that the V3 had a round bubble type front window, which was replaced by the three-piece flat window version later due to better view.

I have PMed you a 3D profile with color numbers of the V3, a scan from smith/creek.
as close as it gets, you probably won't find more reliable material.
have fun with it Smile

That's the Me-262 V2 'PC+UB', not V3.

that is right but even PC+UE (V5) and VI+AA (V6), the first birds with the tricicle landing gear used the first canopy, so V3 was no diffrent than V2 in this.
No tailsitter ever got the new canopy mounted, it was introduced first on V7 (VI+AB) in March 44.

i am currently looking at your picture in high res in my book (PC+UC) and it shows the canopy as you will see in the scan i sent you. Sorry, this is a fact.
no offense, just trying to help Smile

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