Mods and missions problem

Hi all,

I've made a few missions in 4.09 with mods. When I come to fly the missions online or offline I do not see the cockpit or my plane, I just see what looks like sky above, ground below and that's it. If I have outside views on I just see my aircraft sitting on the ground but I cannot use any controls.

Any idea what the problem is or if there is a simple fix?


In the FMB you need to select which plane you are flying... as in the the tick box for planes 1-4? in the 1st waypoint. I had the same problem, and I'm pretty sure that is what fixed it Smile


Sorry Pirate but that didn't work Sad

Oh. Bummer!

[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]

that is what I meant, might not have explained it properly? (click on the pic)

Failing that. The only other things I can think of is a non player-flyable plane? or if it is take-off maybe the waypoint is underground - and hasn't 'snapped-to' the airfield? could try selecting 'takeoff' again on the 1st waypoint. I'm guessing now, I'm not much of a mission builder....

Pirate Smile

... every time I've had that very same problem it was due to a cockpit problem (modded cockpit)
If you don't have the problem with ALL aircraft then I'm sure this is the right track.
Try to list the "bug" by trying different planes, and reinstall the "bugged" cockpits

If you have the problem with ALL planes then check "army" number in each .mis file, 'cause if your squad is for example the 3rd listed, then you should have "army 3" etc ....

The mission uses 12 Bf109E-4s from

I think it was the Bf109E mirror mod. I've disabled it and the missions now work fine - I can't even remember getting that mod or ever seeing it working!

There is an unfortunate tendency for mods to be bundled together, so you end up unwittingly installing something you didnt want.

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