[MOD] Yak-1/1b cockpit repainted: new version + var. options

Just downloaded it Smile

Incredible stuff. Just scrolling through your textures and seeing how you put it all together is amazing. You are a real artist.

I'm off now for a few laps of Stalingrad... :wink:

Nice work Mangas, I hope you will have the pleasure to remake more Yak's cockpits Big Grin .

Coincidentally I was playing browning50cal' awesome"The Siege" campaign tonight. I had just installed your excellent new cockpits and then BOOM, suddenly there I am in the cockpit of a laGG and a Yak! Perfect timing and absolutely perfect work on the new skins/textures. they make the planes look great!

долго этого ждали и наконец свершилось ... замечательно ... и уже представил, какой конфеткой будет як3 с подобным кокпитом Smile

как насчет замены бронестекла як9 на прозрачное? вроде бы где то вопрос этот уже проскакивал ...

Confusedhock: wow beautiful :wink:

Thanks Anton for the wonderful repaint.

As Il2 developed, it seems that the detail for all of the VVS pits was ignored.

All of the German pits have been repainted, now it is great to see these coming out, and to look forward to Il2, and other VVS aircraft.

I'm glad you like the campaign. I put alot of time into it, and I'm impressed with the response it has recieved. Thank you.


B-50 - woops! Forget to say that this is actually FlatSpinMan. I registered here when the big debate was just starting so I cravenly chose another name - the name of the beer I was drinking at the time, actually. Lucky it wasn't something crap like, Schlitz, really.

Nocturnum Wrote:B-50 - woops! Forget to say that this is actually FlatSpinMan. I registered here when the big debate was just starting so I cravenly chose another name - the name of the beer I was drinking at the time, actually. Lucky it wasn't something crap like, Schlitz, really.

you could put FSM in sig ..... would save you from typing same thing every once in a while :wink:


EXCELLENT Repaint !!

Just wish I had the time & know how to do this too.

Great job Mangas, the Yak-1's are again a joy to fly (not that they weren't before, but they cockpits were quite lacking compared to newer planes, not to mention new AAA ones). Wink
Just wanted to ask if you repainted the seat cushion on the Yak-1 (w/ gargrot)? It seems that it is still the old, low-res texture.

Surely, I made pilots seats with cusions (as well as 2 different seat backs) for both models... Pls, check your files integrity/consistency...


Hello, I didn't choose any colours myself -- I used authentic VVS colours for the cockpit to be historical accurate... But I'm glad you like my work, anyway... Smile

Downloading now. Very nice mate, thanks a bunch Big Grin

MOLODEZ! :wink:

I love your repaint mate; i have downloaded the first one but i'm having problems with FileFront link for the worn glass one...is it possible to uploaded somewhere else?

Thanks very much for your work, looks great.


Incredible works Mangas!

You are an heroe!

But what's U think about this:


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