Mod compatibility/Compatibilità mod

A smart-@ss question: is the unified mod installer compatible with the sound mod? Because I installed first the unified and then the sound mod + the italian language conversion and I discovered that all the stuff from the unified is gone. No cockpit repaints, no Rudel's Stuka, no Eric's 109G6. Any tips/hints?

Come sopra: le mod sono compatibili l'una con l'altra? Ho installato prima la unified installer e poi la sound mod + la patch in italiano e tutta la roba della unified

Hey F-20a, you did not need to install the sound mod after the unified installer. The Ui includes a different version of the sound mod, this is where your problem will have come from. The language conversion, if it works the same as the english sound fix will be fine.

Pirate Smile

Errr, the problem is that the Italian patch doesn't work if I have the uni installer, so for making it work you must have the sound mod only or something. So I guess I have to give up, from the moment that the graphics are more important than the language, IMO.

Anyway, thanks for the help, Pirate.

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