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Is it possible the change the FM for the P-51D?

Can anyone change the FM for the P-51D models to more realistic standards. In real life the P-51Ds where way more manouverable than they are in the game. Can someone fix this please>

if i were you i would change this fast!



Someone doesn't read rules!

I guess there will always be people unhappy with the FM of their favourite aircraft.

Even when people can produce reams of official figures to justify their view, do these official figures really represent "in service" performance, or are they factory fresh performance figures.

In combat service I'm sure there would be a range of performance for any aircraft type. Provided IL-2 hits somewhere in this range then I am happy. It would surely be unrealistic for all aircraft to provide top performance figures.

While in flight, bring up the console and type: gimmesopwithcamelFM_START.
It will convert the P-51 to a kill-em-all dervish with tiger killing capabilities.
To deactivate, simply turn off the History Channel and go and read a proper book. :wink:
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