why do skinners mark their skins per country with numbers?

I've found that the in-game national markings look very unrealistic when superimposed on a finely made skin. Especially skins that have been carefully weathered and chipped and mustered and what not all. Putting a bright and unweathered marking on such a skin is a real damper to how the aircraft looks in-game.

Also many nationalities and countries are not supported by the game itself. Obvious examples are Spanish Republican/Nationalist markings which aren't available. And what about all the many variations one encounters in markings in one single country? There are several types of Red Soviet Stars, various types of US roundels, different Rumanian and Bulgarian roundels depending upon the year and which side they were flying with. No way can the game cater to all these settings.

That is why I always prefer marked and numbered skins to blanks. Mostly of course the preferences are in the mind only, since strictly speaking one shouldn't be peeking at the outside views while flying.

agracier Wrote:Also many nationalities and countries are not supported by the game itself. Obvious examples are Spanish Republican/Nationalist markings which aren't available. And what about all the many variations one encounters in markings in one single country? There are several types of Red Soviet Stars, various types of US roundels, different Rumanian and Bulgarian roundels depending upon the year and which side they were flying with. No way can the game cater to all these settings.

MAT Manager has them all, along with Jordanian, Iraki, Irish, and even Swiss markings... Spanish, Swedish, Chilean, Mexican, Ducth etc...



vpmedia Wrote:imo one of the worst things a skinner can do is to invest a lot of time in one skin and then only publish a marked version which only can used as a single / personal skin because it looks weird if all the planes have for example the nr 23 on them or all got gruppencommandeur markings

people with il-2 mat manager tend to go for the total blank skins, people using the stock markings often prefer using generic, marked (stars only) skins - I had lot of such additional requests

I prefer total blanks with random numbering and markings provided by mat manager

+1 to that


Luke5skywalker4 Wrote:(you can't turn on/off markings in MP, only in single-player).

You can turn off the markings for MP. Alls ya gotta do is select "Country: None" on the arming screen. Takes those markings off in a flash. Hope that helps ya....

And btw, if anyone has a skin they would like the markings removed from, I can help you out. Just pm me and I can get the file from you and edit it. It's not very hard at all...

Skunkmeister Wrote:[Image: dude.jpg]

To answer your question as to why we do it, its because the game by default has really dreadful looking markings, and since many squadrons that operated certain types are NOT represented in the game, its much easier to apply it directly to the aircraft and make it look as though it was part of it, rather that just slapped over top of it.

Many skinners often include blank versions of their skins, just so you can use the default in game crappy markings if you feel like it.

i'm going to work to correct that. in that my personal prodject mod is to fix the squadrons list and regimentals. as well as all things assaocaited. This may or may not include a rework of the default marking system including Aircraft ID Numbers. Long needed to be fixed. Soon as i figure out there where & how part i'll get right on it. As for the .txt files and new regiments....i've had those done for a very long time now. just needed a way nto add them in to the sim. I'm going to ask Leigh from Il-2 Mat Manager to chip in if he has time. we've worked togehter in the past aon a few things.

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