Sound Adjustment (Fw-D9 Thru D13) Help And Answer!

Can anyone please help me to change the sounds of the Fw 190 D9 thru D13. with the sound wave of the Fw190 A9????? I dont care if it is not supposed to sound like the A9 but the A9 does not make my ears bleed and I dont want to continue to keep altering my sound settings each time I fly these lovely birds. I can find the A9 engine sound wav. in the files folder but I cant find the Dora sounds, I was just going to rename and swap the wav. files.

Please can someone help me to do this without screwing something up? Smile


If you want only ajust the level of sound you can go to files/presets/ you need know the engine of plane, in FW is the BMW801, so select the preset ajust and test, need restart game all time you ajust level.

mode relobj pos
type mixer
infinite 1
EAXMix 0
occlusion -200
occllf 0.25
eaxroom 10
obstruction -200
obstrlf 0.25

mutable 1

90 [color=red]


That is adjusting my Fw190A9 I dont want to adjust that I want to lower the D9,D11,D13. Are you sure its not the Jumo211???


Younggun Wrote:That is adjusting my Fw190A9 I dont want to adjust that I want to lower the D9,D11,D13. Are you sure its not the Jumo211???


It is thank You for getting me in the Ball park 8) :wink:
To adjust the sound level and hear the mg's Tongue especially in the D13 adjust the sound as you said above but in the Jumo00/Jumo211 and Jumo213 files. I can hear my guns now and dont have to mess with my volume controls I am sooooo Happy Big Grin

Thanks, Paulo ~S~

Younggun, what did you set the parameter to, and did it adversely affect the external sound?

I put it to 90 for all three(But play with it) and yes (Very Much Effected) external sound is perfect for me, I can hear again LOL!! Just do like Paulo says except do it in the files I mentioned (Jumo00/Jumo211/Jumo213) and D9-D13 whispers Like a deadly baby LOL!!! just change the number save and start game keep doing that till you are happy with sound 8)

Thx Again Paulo, You Stud :wink:

Step one- open files:
[Image: one.jpg]
Step two- open presets:
[Image: two.jpg]
Step three- open sound folder and find Jumo files:
[Image: three.jpg]
Step four- Open each file (Jumo) and lower numeric value under [spl]
[Image: four.jpg]

And ENJOY!! Big Grin

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