Skin Problem

Ok so like 5 min ago I downloaded a bf109G6 Skin

I saved it into the paint schemes under bf109G6 but when I play game the skin not there!


The skin file should be a .bmp image with only 256 colors.

Anything else does not work.

Kind regards,

Did you check the skin to see that it downloaded in Paintschemes, skins, bf109G6? If not, maybe you could click and drag the skin from Winrar/Winzip extract to the file in Paintscheme, Skins, Bf109G6, and just do it personally...I don't know if you've tried this yet? I always just do it this way...

Aviator66 Smile

Sometimes if say you're doing a mission and have selected a certain skin it will not show, probably a cache thing. Just prior to gonig into that mission if you go to "aircraft customization" and select 'the' skin it will show and you won't have any more problems, I hope Smile

A skinproblem you say? I'd get some ointment for it if i were you!

Big Grin

Bah-dum - CHAH!!!

Thank you, thank you, i'm here till thursday!

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
[Image: 29p95pf.gif]

...........That was not funny

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