WIP default map upgrade : NWeurope


Another quickie to add some variety to the ground textures in the NWeurope map.

I sampled a piece of Gilb's Normandy Map_T, pasted it all over the NWeurope map then pasted the rivers/roads/railways/towns/forests back on top of it, edited the load.ini and here's the result :

[Image: il2fb2009-02-0612-08-13-96.jpg]

Thanks a bunch Gilb !

Still a few repetitions but that's pretty hard to avoid with those textures. It is now much better than the default map if I may say so myself.

Download it here :

Re-Uploaded !


Place 'NWeurope' folder in Root directory/MODS/Mapmods, when asked to overwrite click 'yes'. Don' forget to back up any modification of the NWeurope you made yourself !

Enjoy. As usual, feedback wanted.




Thanx a lot!!

Just downloaded I hope to install it soon and report issue to you!!!

Thanx again!!!!





Just downloaded and installed, no problems, looks great and does not seem to give FRPS drop on my machine (mid range PC with good graphics card) at max video settings.

Many thanks


Glad you like it. I wasn't really concerned with FPS as I haven't touched anything that might cause slowdowns ( that I know of anyway Big Grin ).

It's really just a small modification I made in less than an hour and haven't really tested, so I might have overlooked areas with lots of repetitions in the textures.

I figured someone else would be interested in even such a small update to a very basic map texture-wise.



Excellent mod - it improves NW Europe 110%. Many thanks Porco.

Quote:Thanks a bunch Gilb !

You're welcome Big Grin

Can I do a remark ?
If you use 4.09 texs, the map looses its 4.08 compatibility... most people use now 4.09, but its not completely done for all ... :wink:

I recently tested a few maps (summer Normandy for example... with my map_T file) with Compans texs.
They are great !!!
As they are new, they remain 4.08 & 4.09 compatible...

Just give a try ?

Good thinking there Gilb. Never really thought about compatibility.

Using Compans' textures can really go both ways : the result is either very good or very bad, due to some of the elements in his textures creating very obvious repetitions.
I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, if you have a load.ini using Compans' textures, feel free to post it here.



I substituted Compans textures for the Romania ones this morning. This is partly because the Romania tiles are corrupted on my rig and look awful.

I used my own reworks of the Dutch textures with all the houses taken off. Personally, I prefer them to the stock Il-2 stuff. However, the Compans tiles did have a repetition issue with the yellow wheat fields of one of the tiles which reoccurred every few hundred yards. I can probably substitute green fields for the yellow and modify the tile.

My own feeling is that the Compans tiles are varied enough that it is counter-productive to mix in small patches of 3 or 4 tiles in a small area. It just makes the landscape look less realistic.

At this point, I have renamed and refoldered my reworks of Compans stuff. So my load.ini wouldn't be helpful.

Here's a screenie...

[Image: nwe01.jpg][/img]

Quote:Using Compans' textures can really go both ways : the result is either very good or very bad, due to some of the elements in his textures creating very obvious repetitions.

That's right !
In fact, it's never evident to make a good looking map. After a good start, it's often necessary to fine tune texs.
Example, Normandy summer test (I used my previously made Map_T file for winter map) :

[Image: Snormandy-00.jpg]

[Image: Snormandy-01.jpg]

[Image: Snormandy-02.jpg]

I used Compans texs (tint slightly changed), but also city texs from bumpification mod (but slightly lighter) . I even used one tex from my winter map. I made a brand new one (some kind of uniform green). After that, I had to change "forestfar" tex, trees color and I even made an ocean more blueish like in Pacific water (because with all those "fresh" ans springy colors- does this word exists in english ? :oops: - the ocean & rivers appeared greengrey and dirty...

It finally appears good I think :lol: but work was needed :wink:

How did you lighten the bumpification tex? This is something I haven't figured out yet?

I'm not sure the Dutch textures work well with the French ones. The type landscape is quite different. While they can be adjusted to the same shade of green, I'm not sure they make a realistic landscape together.

I have a couple of plain green grassland textures which I converted from the COmpans coastal and airfield tga's by removing the buildings and other characteristics. I would be happy to share.

Finally, I'm most of the way thru removing the yellow fields from the Dutch texture so as to avoid obvious repetition. There is another problem in that the tress are a very pale brown on that tile and do not look correct when seen with the game forest tiles. So I will likely take the trees out too.

When done, I will post.

Quote:How did you lighten the bumpification tex?

I just thought they were too dark for my purpose.

When in Pshop, I put texs from different origins side by side and I estimate if one is too saturated, another too dark and I correct them in order to have a similar color range for all .

Quote:I'm not sure the Dutch textures work well with the French ones. The type landscape is quite different. While they can be adjusted to the same shade of green, I'm not sure they make a realistic landscape together.

You may be right, but the purpose for me was to break repetition... the goal is too have enough different texs to do it !

EDIT : finally, you're right : dutch inland is ok but Dutch field should be replaced !


Not "WHY" did you lighten the bumpification tga, but "HOW"?

I've been trying to figure out how I can lighten and darken colours in PSP7 and would be interested in picking up any hints.

I can change tone, hue, saturation and brightness. BUt actual light/ dark is still a mystery to me.

:roll: Just a language error : instead of "light", please read "bright" :oops:

To effectively have a "lighter" tex, you should use brightness+saturation+contrast (with moderation :wink: )...

is it possible to reupload?? :???:

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