Need help painting MapED

Can someone give me tips for painting Ed maps please? I know some guys paint the ED map using the Map_T as the base, but how they do that? Can someone post a explanation or a tutorial please?

I used the raw map_c as a basis for my WIP ed_m0x maps (used 2, ed_m01, half size of map_c and ed_m02, half size scale down of ed_m01. They're basically just "artwork" so use your creativity here 8) Using the map_c as a basis will ensure smooth transition in the FMB when you zoom in.

The ed_m0x files are probably the last ones to finish after you've got everything else defined.

BTW a slick trick mentioned by LAL_Rone is to save them as indexed tga's instead of "raw" RGB, speeds up loading considerably.

I've done a very rough one based on the map_c with the water areas recoloured blue and the land a light cream. I have a "working map" in PSP7 based on a water reflection map from microdem layered on top of a heights map, again from microdem. Both maps are the same size.

I have it saved as a PSP file and can reduce or increase the opacity of the water/ reflectivity map depending on how much of the underlying topography I want to see. At some point, I will probably do a more detailed edmap_m based on the terrain. All you need is some simple contouring - as in low ground green, high ground brown - and rivers/ lakes/ sea. I'm going to put in a handful of place names with the text function.

For the time being, I just want a place holder, so I can load the map in FMB+.

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