il2 is dead, hlp me plz

i run vista64bit with nvidia 9800m gts card. i researched the possible issues an found that it was my nvidia driver that was failing to work. this is in both singleplayer and multiplayer. it loads but then freezes up drivers and comp needs a complete reset as in pull out the battery. i do not want to completely downgrade the system to xp as it costs a bit and like vista but the nvidia driver dead, so if anyone knows how to save my life, plz tell me what to do

this problem is not to do with vista 64bit, so rolling back to xp might not solve anything. i use vista 64bit and have no problems. there are other possibilities to research such as overheating, unstable overclocking, virus, how are you sure it is the drivers? is it the famous "nvdkklm has stopped working and has recovered" error message?if it indeed the drivers, you could do a clean uninstall of the drivers using driver sweeper and then install an older driver version. do you know how to do a clean driver install?

please give more deails of any error messages or indicaions you get when the problem occurs

ok, well there are no error messages, and it plain freezes up the comp as in even opening up ctr alt del, task manager, it does not close game, but near my task bar it pops up a message saying display driver stopped working
also there is also no mouse cursor thingy so i cannot select anything when task mangr pops up

i cannot do anything but reboot it the hard way

if ya need more info, i have nvidia geforce9800m gts card on a gateway laptop

and i figured out it isn't vista, though i still am gonna say vista ****

hi mate i have had this problem many times. in xp this problem still occurs, but instead of the computer saying that the display driver has failed, the computer just crashes. it can be caused by incorrectly set up memory, settings in the nvidia control panel, over heating. in my case, the problem was caused by my memory timings. once i adjusted them the problem went, so the problem isn't necessarily caused by the driver. if you have overclocked your memory, set it to the recommended settings. do a clean install of the graphics card drivers. to do this

1. download driver sweeper (google it) and install it
2.go to device manager and uninstall the graphics card and select the box to delete driver software
3. reboot into safe mode (press f8 on start-up)
4. run driver sweeper to delete nvidia drivers
5. empty recycle bin
6. restart computer and install new drivers from nvidia site
7. use default settings for nvidia control panel

also use the nvidia temp monitor or such to check your graphics card temperatures, and post them back. if these dont solve the problem, i will try to help with more solutions because i know how annoiyng it is

oh when it freezes you don' t have to reset the computer when this happens. open task manager. the mouse wont work, but press tab to select end, without the mouse. the computer hasn't frozen, only the game.

luther01 Wrote:hi mate i have had this problem many times. in xp this problem still occurs, but instead of the computer saying that the display driver has failed, the computer just crashes. it can be caused by incorrectly set up memory, settings in the nvidia control panel, over heating. in my case, the problem was caused by my memory timings. once i adjusted them the problem went, so the problem isn't necessarily caused by the driver. if you have overclocked your memory, set it to the recommended settings. do a clean install of the graphics card drivers. to do this

1. download driver sweeper (google it) and install it
2.go to device manager and uninstall the graphics card and select the box to delete driver software
3. reboot into safe mode (press f8 on start-up)
4. run driver sweeper to delete nvidia drivers
5. empty recycle bin
6. restart computer and install new drivers from nvidia site
7. use default settings for nvidia control panel

also use the nvidia temp monitor or such to check your graphics card temperatures, and post them back. if these dont solve the problem, i will try to help with more solutions because i know how annoiyng it is
ok, well the laptop i run has nothing tampered with in terms of overclock ect, i have no idea what to do wth nvidia as i am not an expert, i asked my friend who is much better then me an he too can't figure it out. the worst is that Hyperlobby is unplayable and i wanna go on the net!!

it dies just after the game loads to 100% on the start screen. if anyone could tell me what can be done like what worked or didn't wrk on their comp, maybee it will hlkp this, also my friend says it isn't vista but Nvidia thsat does it. also it cannot be overheat as this comp is so good, no game i have even runs fans full speed, and when they do, that means it hot
to bad i now lost my excuse for how much vista sucks!
die Nvidia!!!!!

try new graphics card drivers. follow the before instructions exactly, they tell you what to do Big Grin

i fixed it somehow, it was a compatibility issue with something that i ??????????????

i will kill whoever used my comp without permission!!
anyway, thanks for your help, i got new driver too and it looks a bit better in terms of effects, and can i make res 1440 by 900, i want to use full screen size

to use that resolution you have to edit the config ini file. i cant remember the exact lines to change, maybe someone more knowledgable can help?

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