Guys you have to read this....Need your input

Salute Pilots,
Here's what I did last night. I was getting together my Alll.ini file and putting all of my maps ini in Alphbetical order and once I finished I loaded game and wanted to see if there was any difference, Well to my suprise I still had the same porblems with maps loading in the Quick missions. Something about a load terrain error. Now this only happened to about 13 of my maps....Now get this, after about an hour of checking everything I was getting very frustrated and decided to take out the All.ini file and see if the game would load and believe it or not IT DID! I went into the maps that I was have ing trouble with and they worked fine. So I decided to to see if i could load other maps and they loaded fine as well. So after all of this work, my question is do we even need to keep the All ini file in the Maps folder? What does this even do for the game....? If I can load maps without it then why keep it in the folder. If you guys are having a trouble message pop up and it states loading error, try what I did and see if it works for you....I thought this was very interesting and wanted to share it with you guys. Salute

I disabled the "all" in the maps folder and the QMBPlus maps worked.
I started the Biggen Hill Wing campaign and it loaded fine . Tried the first 2 missions that use new maps, Slovakia and Canons' Channel map, they worked.

The only thing I see changed is that all the new maps disappeared from the Full Mission Builder list.

Is the "all" list only needed to put the maps into the FMB?

Thats what I thought, So for me I am going to just put the All.ini file in a separate folder in the Maps Folder, until I need to make some missions or campiagns then I will just drop it back in. Easy way around making my Quick mission work! Salute

hi to all, I have some questions for you: first where do I find tha map file? I can't find it. second I'd love to put cannon map in fmb, how can i do it? thanks in advance

The added /modified maps go in their individual folders which go into a folder called Mapmods which goes into the mods folder.

look in Mods/MapMods/Maps folder....its a text file named All.ini .....If you dont see it then you need to go to your top menu bar and go to Tools/Folder Options/View scroll down until you find a small circle that states veiw hidden files and folders, check it and apply or hit ok. then you should see it in your maps folder

Each map that you install should have a Read Me file in it with instructions on how to add the map you want in the game...


... if you disable/remove all.ini file ( mods\mapmods\maps\) game will load default file (all.ini) from SFS and you will have listed ( FMB) all default maps your game version provides but none of the new modded ones .

do make sure that you have only one all.ini file ( in mods folder) present and that it is at right location .

If you're having problems with any map ... open console during mission or while map is opened in FMB and search for error messages ( shift+tab) .

BTW, your all.ini will get alphabetically rearranged with installation of any official AAA map mod ... if you're using installer (as recommended) that is .

QMB+ have no issues with the way maps in all.ini gets listed


Thanks Fly thats why I install all my mods manually.

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