[FINAL?] Kokoda Trail Map (v1.51 12/05/09)


Just copy the MrO_Kokoda MrO_Kokoda folder to the mapmods/map folder
and add:
MrO_Kokoda MrO_Kokoda/load.ini


I love you, and want to have your babies Tongue Can I help work on the rest of PNG & surrounds.

Let me be among the first to congratulate you on a map well done. It's nice and mountainous, lots of height difference to fly around in and for the AI to crash into ...

And if it took you only 2 days to finish, then you are apparently a whizz at map-making.

Keep it up. Great work. And a very welcome surprise.

Hope I can download tonight my damn wireless is action up.

A lot of people using the net over the Thai new year.

For two days I'm keen to check out your work.




Cheers Kirby


Nice map, but is possible to get an updated FMB map? Something with the rivers and the Kokoda Trail itself visible

Added 17-Mile "Durands Drome"..which i forgot for some reason :wink: . (Was build in August 1942 so the map still usefull for 1942 campaign...

The Kokoda trail was not very visible from the air if u ask me... it was just a trail, not a road like what we have in the default map, so it will not be visible even in the final map. And i still need to place the villages...

The FMB needs a lot of editing, villages, rivers, airfields, geographic locations...etc.

Salmo, if you want to be usefull, just place a text in the map where the villages are located so i can build them easily Big Grin .

Oh, and i forgot the say THANKS to kevinp for the excellent tutorial that made possible this map.

Added Version 1.1 link in the first post.

-Added 17-Mile "Durands Drome"
-Added rivers to FMB map

If you haven't already, you should read "General Kenney Reports".

I think it can be read in it's entirety at google's book search or find a PDF download.

I found it quite the page turner.

do you have a date for which the map is supposed to represent? so we can know which airfields should and shouldn't be there?

Thrud Wrote:do you have a date for which the map is supposed to represent? so we can know which airfields should and shouldn't be there?

Not quite sure...but i think its August/October 1942. Something like that....hmmm. thinking about Durands field...

Coming along nicely. You may want to consider that PNG rivers are not sky blue, they are often muddy brown due to continual heavy rains.

Salmo Wrote:Coming along nicely. You may want to consider that PNG rivers are not sky blue, they are often muddy brown due to continual heavy rains.

I have no clue on how to change the river color...all ideas are welcome on this...

Added version 1.2 ... just some new VERY GENERIC villages.

We flew 2 missions over it and it is fantastic.

we know its a beta so the tree's in the water are not a bother nor would it be if they are there permanently.......
by and large it is absolutly stunning and very much appreciated.


pilotsden Wrote:we know its a beta so the tree's in the water are not a bother nor would it be if they are there permanently.......

I thought trees in the water was supposed to be a way of representing very dense jungle ...I sort of like it this way on this map. Seems fitting somehow ...

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