What if maps?

I had read where a japanese plane did hit Oragon once in hopes to start a forest fire.
heres the text from the story
September 9th, 1942: The Japanese finally stop relying on the skills of the gunners on their submarines. Clearly, this isn't working. A new strategy is developed, wherein a small aircraft (specifically, a Yukosuka E14Y Seaplane) is launched from atop a submarine, where it proceeds to fly over the forests of Oregon, dropping bombs and, hopefully, starting massive and uncontrollable forest fires, thereby sending all of America into a panic under the great Japanese might. The first part of the task is a complete success.

The plane is launched, the bomb is dropped, and a fire is started. A few Americans witness the event and respond quickly to the scene of the explosion, and with some help from some local firemen, the fire is put out by the following morning. While two bombs were apparently dropped on Oregon, there has never been any trace of a second bomb. It would probably be quite the collector

I appologize if this was not the section to ask. If it wasnt for future map questions, where should post them?

I never heard about this story before... Intresting! If i'am not mistaken than the japanes send baloons to the US with a bomb... The balloons could get this far because of the jetstream... It was never a succes though... Correct me if i'am wrong...

DBCooper Wrote:I never heard about this story before... Intresting! If i'am not mistaken than the japanes send baloons to the US with a bomb... The balloons could get this far because of the jetstream... It was never a succes though... Correct me if i'am wrong...

Yes, the Japanese did send balloons but it wasn't a success as nobody in the USA knew (was told?) about it. I believe the only casualties were a family picnicking, or something like that.


With some of these parts of " little known " history, does anyone think they could be good " what if " maps? I think it would cool to defend the U.S. coast line in some of these or try the sea plane attack.

I think the main obstacle you'll come up against is that map making takes a lot of work and effort, and many people would rather direct that effort towards a map that would be useful for a real WW2 theatre.

What-if map? Hmmm...
I wish to look at New York through a bombsight ^______^


with the "Amerika" bomber Tongue

I understand, it must take a great deal of talent and time to make a map and I am very greatfull for those people who do put them out for us to have. I just wanted to know if anyone else would like the idea enough that maybe in the future someone who makes maps might give it a try. Maybe we could get a poll to see who all may be interested?

canonuk Wrote:I think the main obstacle you'll come up against is that map making takes a lot of work and effort, and many people would rather direct that effort towards a map that would be useful for a real WW2 theatre.

ummm....tell that to the people obsessing over the F86/MIG 15/KOREA MODS....(i agree with you btw) Big Grin

to me...itd be better to have WORLD WAR II "what ifs" than 'other war' historical stuff....in a WORLD WAR II sim...but thats just me..

the japs also had subs all along the west coast. they sunk several ships, one of which is just a few miles north of where i live. It still has oil in its hold so its a bit of an environmental issue after 60+ years down there. And how bout this one....on Feb 23 1942 IJN sub shelled an oil refinery at Santa Barbra, CA....didnt do much damage, but it did none the less happen!

Aviator, I tend to agree with you. When I fly IL2 I always stick with props insted of jets. I guess its a " to each his own " thing but geverett, thats more info I didnt know and probably alot of others didnt either. I'd like to read more if anyone else has any. Maybe someone will make these maps.

Bombsaway Wrote:I guess its a " to each his own " thing

i totally agree and respect that...thats why i hope with some of my posts regarding 'keeping this a ww2 sim' (usually very sarcastically) im not irritating the fine talented modders that are working on such things. (dangit...i just want a do17 and a lancaster and ill be happy!) Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

but...things like alternate history i enjoy...always been an interest of mine apart from actual history. so going with this thread, yes, i think itd be enjoyable to have some NW USA, SW USA (LA and SanFran were heavily involved), or even eastern seaboard maps...because as history does tell...the war did come there in one way or the other, even if it didnt exactly involve an air battle. its a matter of making it more interesting as an alternate history which is very possible with IL2.

for instance, my other favorite sim is SH3. historically, you get to go within miles of the US in the Caribbean. did it really happen? YES. were any airplanes involved? NO. but why not? what little thing could have tipped it all off for there to have been? thats what i wanna know!

The panama-channel and the japanese attackairplane Seiran (incl. U-Boat) that would be a great mod and map idea

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