large maps, populating and load-ability?

In the next 1-3 weeks, I anticipate uploading the first, very "basic" WiP version of my "Army Group Centre" map. The map will cover a large chunk of Eastern Europe, from just East of Minsk almost to Kursk and from Polotsk south to the Pripyat Marshes. Of course, this map is all land-mass with no sea or ocean. While not as urbanized as Western Europe, it still has many built-up areas. including Smolensk, Bryansk and Vitebsk.

I suspect a fully-populated map will be unloadable on many rigs.

I considered cutting the map into smaller chunks, but felt I should try to keep it as 1 geographical whole.

Is it a solution to produce 4 or 5 versions of the whole map with different areas populated, as relevant to specific campaigns and time periods?

What I anticipated doing is just putting in city and town tiles and the basic road and rail net for the entire map and then putting in buildings only for 1 part, depending on what version of the map I am working on at any given time.

Is this a workable solution?

Total number of objects on the map is not the most critical factor.

What is critical is the number of objects displayed on screen at any instant.
Too many and the FPS drops to unacceptable levels.

So I suggest populating the whole map but check each built up area for playability.

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