Longer prop revolutions

Fisneaky Wrote:The running prop is probably generated by a ".txl" file rather than an animated 3D mesh

No, It is not a .txl file, the running propeller is actually a 3d/2d model (file nameTongueropRot1_D0.msh) depending on how many engines the corresponding planes have the red colored number will vary from 1 to 4, also if you have a 2 engined plane you will find:
PropRot1_D0.msh and PropRot2_D0.msh in corresponding plane folder, this file/files replace the 3d model of propeller as soon as it comes up to speed and rotates, depending on how much power you supply to engine and tries to simulate propeller rotation, which is not so good simulated as other thing in il2.

salac_78 Wrote:Any news :?:

As I know it is about java editing of one or some .class files.

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