Korean map missions?

Could any of you guys that are lucky enough to be able to save missions on the new Korean map, please post them up?Thanks.

+1 I can't even make a dogfight because i can't load it in FMB

Make sure you guys D/L the 1.1 UI patch,,this "might" fix your save issue.
It did mine 8)

I have UI 1.1 installed, i just can't load it.

Yep me to I have the patch,but no joy saving missions.

I just posted some in single missions. Just some practice missions. But if you can't load them then something is wrong with your map install.

EasyRider Wrote:
vampire_pilot Wrote:as said... all I did was regroup the ini and it did not work anymore to save.

I group back to original UI 1.1 order... it works.

my be special but this is how I fixed and tested it for me.

you must have did more than just regroup,as I said before the order in the static.ini doesn't matter

Does the order of objects in Static.ini matter?

Bee Wrote:Only name matters in the static.ini - thank God. It'd be pure chaos otherwise.

Plantoid 1 Wrote:My static.ini looks like no one elses in that I put the objects I use most close to the top and in the order I build missions. I build airfields first using the largest and first objects placed like the revetments and blast pens. Next the maintenance objects - fuel, hangars etc., then control towers, living quarters, and ancillary buildings.

Once this is complete I then move off the airbase to trees, factories, and then towns.

I've raised over 150 men to various heights to place on control tower platforms, planes, scaffolds, and piers. These men are all at the bottom of the static.ini so it's easy to find them.

I find there's an awful lot of stuff I never use and this all resides in the middle portion of the list.

It took me over two weeks to sort out the list which evolves as more objects are added - CanonUks objects, LAL-Rones hangars etc. As the new objects are added it's faster now to sort them out and place them.

I don't think there's much merit in trying to standardie on one list - my logic is going to differ from yours and others and what I may find useful you might find useless. I think it would be best to maybe try standardizing the names of the objects and use those names instead of object numbers.

Great days all

I do not have the add on infantry mod and the KTO map works fine for saving missions.
I am using the static.ini from the UI 1.1 Patch with nothing else added to my install from the UI 1.1 with patch, and saving missions on this map is NP

vampire_pilot Wrote:you do not need this for the map!

actually loading a mission should work okay any time, even when misssing objects. only saving is affected.
if you have trouble loading too then the static.ini is not the cause...

does it work with the static.ini that comes with the UI1.1.1 patch???

humans - it is an additional mod.
these here are just add-ons, actually called infantry but in teh static.ini the sections are named "humans"

crimar Wrote:I've found the problem of no saving in fmb in my install: there was no CAL_MODS_TarmacPlate in the 3DO and in the static.ini. Added now and saving missions is Ok in fmb.

You must also have Canon BlankFieldPlate and the recent radar mast in 3DO and static.ini to work fine.


I'd like to try crimars suggestion but what and where can you find CAL_MODS_TarmacPlate also what 3DO file do you put it in also where is Canon BlankFieldPlate and the recent radar mast?I've done searches on all of it two came back no info and one was link dead.

I'm a newb Mission building and maps. Is there a simple way to add a brige to the korean map. I'd like to place a bridge on the river near Chosin Reservoir...hoping it will have steep sided banks/mountians, a la Bridges at Toko Ri. Any way to do that?

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