ceege1 Wrote:Hi,
This is what I had working in my game before I tried to install the A/C installer for the new Sea Hurricane. As per my last post here everything is porked at 60%. I've tried to back track with my last working buttons file to no avail.
Will giving in to the powers that be by installing the UI fix my problem, the reason for me not wanting to do this is because of the WIP mods and WIP aircraft that I don't want to loose.
If I install the UI and start installing WIP mods over it what will happen?
Can someone please help me sort this out, I'm getting desperate.
Thanks for any help given, PM me if you like.
Did you read my previous post to you?
Anyway, if your game crashes at eaxactly 60%, its mostly either the buttons or the ini file.
If it is the buttons file, the fix is easy:
1) Do a search of your entire \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 folder for files called "BUTTONS" (not buttons2.tga, thats something else, leave that alone)
You will probably find only one file that is only called "BUTTONS" (not buttons2 or some other tga file)
2) Delete ALL the files called "Buttons" (except the .tga files)
Then go and find your copy of AC installer v3.6. DONT RUN IT. Extract it to a folder somewhere. This is easily done with most unzipping applications, or you can make it "install" itself in some temporary folder somewhere. But the best is to extract it, so you get to see everything inside it.
Inside it you will find 6 folders. They each represent a different type of modactivator. There is Modact, for us who has the normal modactivator, there is SFX 06 for people who used that for their mods, UNI for unified installer folks, and 3 versions of english sound mod types. I dont know which one you use. But it is VERY IMPORTANT to choose correctly. So, if you, like me, used mod activator, then open the MODACT foolder. Inside is a folder called "Files". Paste this into your \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 directory, so that it asks you
"this folder already contains a folder named 'files'...."
You then select "yes to all".
Then launch the game to see if it runs.
IF it does not, and still stops at 60%, then you also have a problem with your air.ini file. Here is how you solve that:
Go to the" files "folder and find a folder called "com". Cut it and paste it somewhere far away. you dnt really need it if you run MODACT. I dunno about Sound Activator, but in any case , do it.
Then go to \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects , and there should be the air.ini file.
Make a copy of it and save the copy also somewhere far away and safe (you can also make a folder called "-Hide" right there and put it in there. The minus ( - ) in front of "Hide" is important.
Then take a copy of that air ini file, and paste it into \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects, and rename it air.ini (if it is not already)
Open the file and delete EVERYTHING except
Bf-109G-2 air.BF_109G2 2 g01 SUMMER
Save it and launch the game again.
If the game loads succesfully, you will only have 1 plane in the QMB. But then at least you know what the problem is: there is an incorrect entry in your air.ini, or there is an entry in the air.ini, that points to a NEW SLOT plane, that should be in your mods folder, but is either missing, or incomplete. ( it has happened to me that, when moving my mouse around in the mods folder, i accidentally dragged one new slot plane folder into another folder, and wham: 60% crash)
The way to solve this is to simply figure out which it is, and delete that line, or reinstall that mod. As I said, it will be one of the NEW SLOT planes, so that narrows it down a little. Note thatyou can have a folder for a new slot plane in your mods folder without having it in your air.ini file, and your game will still load, but if you have a new slot plane listed in your air.ini, and it is not in your mods folder, the game will crash at 60%.
All the best.